深圳黄金树科技有限公司代理国内MOSFET,IC 集成电路,桥堆 二三极管 可控硅等电子产品, 产品主要应用于UPS、EPS、逆变电源、工业控制板、变频电源、开关电源、电力操作电源、小家电,新能源,汽车电子等高科技行业,并致力于推广供应环保无铅的绿色产品。 我们本着“诚信经营,互惠互赢”的理念贯穿供应,销售,服务的始终。我们始终将“创新,进取,诚信合作,原装正品,客户至上,服务全面”作为商务合作发展的基石,愿我们持续,共同发展!深圳黄金树科技有限公司是国内外的电子元器件混合分销商,成立于深圳龙华区,主要产品有SPM、IGBT、MOSFET、FRD(快恢复)、可控硅、光耦、IC、MCU等。代理品牌有:无锡新洁能(NCE),江苏捷捷微(JIEJIE),福斯特(FIRST),台湾博盛(POTENS),优势现货品牌有UTC友顺,安森美(ON),英飞凌(Infineon) ,NXP,ADI,RICHTEK,TI等。联系电话:13510537787何小姐 微信同步
This AOS product reliability report summarizes the qualification result for AON6232. Accelerated environmental tests are performed on a specific sample size, and then followed by electrical test at end point. Review of final electrical test result confirms that AON6232 passes AOS quality and reliability requirements. The released product will be categorized by the process family and be routine monitored for continuously improving the product quality. I. Reliability Stress Test Summary and Results Note: The reliability data presents total of available generic data up to the published date. Note A: MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level) 1 based on J-STD-020 II. Reliability Evaluation FIT rate (per billion): 3.82 MTTF = 29919 years The presentation of FIT rate for the individual product reliability is restricted by the actual burn-in sample size. Failure Rate Determination is based on JEDEC Standard JESD 85. FIT means one failure per billion hours. Failure Rate = Chi2 x 109 / [2 (N) (H) (Af)] = 3.82 MTTF = 109 / FIT = 29919 years Chi2 = Chi Squared Distribution, determined by the number of failures and confidence interval N = Total Number of units from burn-in tests H = Duration of burn-in testing Af = Acceleration Factor from Test to Use Conditions (Ea = 0.7eV and Tuse = 55°C)
Temp = 150°C , Vgs=100% of Vgsmax
Temp = 150°C , Vds=100% of Vdsmax
168hr 85°C / 85%RH + 3 cycle reflow@260°C
130°C , 85%RH, 33.3 psia, Vds = 80% of Vdsmax