摘要: 通过分析当前智能家居存在的诸如价格高、功能多而不实用等问题,本文进行了室内照明无线遥控系统的研究。采用2.4 GHz无线收发芯片A7105,设计了软硬件电路,以LED模拟照明灯,实现了无线遥控功能,并分析了本系统存在的问题及进一步的发展。对于本系统成本进行了分析,指出本系统具有低价位的突出优点,为进一步设计实用的室内照明无线遥控系统提供了可能。若后续研究成功后,定会有广阔的应用前景。
Abstract: By analyzing the disadvantages of current smart home, such as high price and many functions but unusefulness, the wireless remote control system of interior lighting was studied. 2.4GHz wireless transceiver chip A7105 was adopted, and both software and hardware circuit were designed. The wireless remote function was realized by using a LED to simulate the floodlight. Then the problems and the further development of the system were analyzed. Finally, the cost of this system was analyzed, and pointed out that the outstanding advantage of this system was the low cost, which offered the possibility to further design an utility wireless remote control system of interior lighting. It will have a wide prospect if the subsequent research of the wireless control system is successfull.
随着计算机技术、通信技术与自动化技术的发展,照明控制技术有了很大的进步,逐步进入了智能控制时代。传统智能照明控制系统采用总线方式,具有布线麻烦、增减设备需要重新布线、系统可扩展性差、安装和维护成本高以及移动性能差等缺点。智能照明控制系统在逐步进入无线控制时代。文献[2]报道了在ZigBee传感网技术的基础上提出了一种新型的室内智能照明控制系统,但实用 室内照明控制器必须是低价位的,便宜的也在十几元,这就使得开关结点的价格过高。
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