MAX705CPA 低成本微处理器监控电路



MAX705CPA 低成本微处理器监控电路



The MAX705-MAX708/MAX813L microprocessor (µP) supervisory circuits reduce the complexity and number of components required to monitor power-supply and battery functions in µP systems. These devices significantly improve system reliability and accuracy compared to separate ICs or discrete components.

The MAX705/MAX706/MAX813L provide four functions:

1) A reset output during power-up, power-down, and brownout conditions.
2) An independent watchdog output that goes low if the watchdog input has not been toggled within 1.6 seconds.
3) A 1.25V threshold detector for power-fail warning, low-battery detection, or for monitoring a power supply other than +5V.
4) An active-low manual-reset input.

The MAX707/MAX708 are the same as the MAX705/ MAX706, except an active-high reset is substituted for the watchdog timer. The MAX813L is the same as the MAX705, except RESET is provided instead of RESET-bar.

Two supply-voltage monitor levels are available: The MAX705/MAX707/MAX813L generate a reset pulse when the supply voltage drops below 4.65V, while the MAX706/MAX708 generate a reset pulse below 4.40V. All four parts are available in 8-pin DIP, SO and µMAX® packages.

关键特性   应用
  • µMAX Package: Smallest 8-Pin SO
  • Guaranteed RESET-bar Valid at VCC = 1V
  • Precision Supply-Voltage Monitor
    4.65V in MAX705/MAX707/MAX813L
    4.40V in MAX706/MAX708
  • 200ms Reset Pulse Width
  • Debounced TTL/CMOS-Compatible Manual-Reset Input
  • Independent Watchdog Timer-1.6sec Timeout (MAX705/MAX706)
  • Active-High Reset Output (MAX707/MAX708/MAX813L)
  • Voltage Monitor for Power-Fail or Low-Battery Warning


  • 汽车电子
  • 计算机-台式机、工作站、服务器
  • 控制器
  • 的µP监视器
  • 智能仪表

    Key Specifications:   Microprocessor Supervisors
    Part Number Number of Monitored Voltages Reset Threshold Range (V) Active-Low Reset Output Active-High Reset Output Min. Reset Timeout Range Watchdog Feature Nom. Watchdog Timeout Range Supervisor Features Reset Thresh. Acc. (% at +25°C) Max. ICC (µA) Package Package Type Operating Temp. Range (°C)
    MAX705  1 2 3.3 to 5.5 Push-Pull  -  85ms to 300ms Input (WDI)
    Input/Output (WDI/WDO)
    1s to 2s Adjustable Reset Input Manual Reset Power Fail Comparator/Low Line 2.5 350.0 8/PDIP
    µMAX Plastic DIP SOIC -40 to +125 -40 to +85 -55 to +125 0 to +70
    MAX706  Push-Pull  -  Input (WDI)
    Input/Output (WDI/WDO)
    1s to 2s 2.5 8/PDIP
    MAX707  Push-Pull Push-Pull No Watchdog  -  2.5 8/PDIP
    MAX708  Push-Pull Push-Pull No Watchdog  -  2.5 8/PDIP
    MAX813   -  Push-Pull Input/Output (WDI/WDO) 1s to 2s 1.5 See Data Sheet

  • App Note 655: Supervisor ICs Monitor Battery-Powered Equipment - MAX706 (English only)
  • 应用笔记2632:利用uP复位电路控制Vcc电源 - MAX706

  • Watchdog timer (MAX705,706,813)
  • Power-fail comparator (MAX705-8, 813)

    链接至更多信息   没有找到你需要的产品吗?
  • 样品与定购信息(版本号、型号): MAX705 MAX706 MAX707 MAX708 MAX813L
  • 完整的数据资料:(PDF, 240kB: 英文 )
  • 可靠性: MAX705xxA.pdf MAX708xxA.pdf MAX813LxxA.pdf (English only)
  • 申请可靠性: (English only)
  • 型号搜索 搜索提示
  • 参数搜索 (English only)
  • 应用帮助
  • 没有找到你需要的产品吗? (English only)
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    Typical Operating Circuit 典型电路

    上一篇:OP27GP 低噪声精密运放(工业级)

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