TDY5系列加工中心、纺机*控制变压器 |
概述 |
TDY5系列机床变压器是我公司引进国外目前*新型变压器系列,在*K5系列机床变压器的基础上开发出的新一代变压器,其外形尺寸,安装尺寸,使用场合与*K5系列变压器相同。本系列变压器除具有*K5系列变压器一些优点外还具有以下特点: 产品*合GB5226,*/T5555-2001,VDE0550-1-3,EN61558-1:1997,EN61558-2-13:2000等有关*、国际标准,并荣获欧共体"CE"认证,可与国外产品互换使用。
TDY5系列机床控制变压器技术特性 初级次级绕组分开绕制,当次级只有一个绕组时,它担负变压器的*额定容量,次级如兼有控制、照明及指示灯绕组时,则按各绕组容量分配分别绕制,对单绕组且有中间抽头的变压器其各中间抽头容量,皆小于变压器的额定容量,只有*高电压输出端可担负额定容量。 |
TDY5 Machine Tool Control Transformer |
Application: |
TDY5 series transformer is introduced from Germany and the newest model inour company. TDY5 is developed new generation of transformer on the base of *K5. It is the same size and application as *K5. TDY5 has the following characteristic besides *K5 excellence: 1. Soleplate is made of antisepsis alloy, which improve much in the reliability of earth connection. 2. Bigger screw of wire connection is so as to be more convenient and fastness. 3. Whole transformer is immersed in vacuum paint so that the insulation is much more steady. It conforms to GB5226,*/T5555-201,VDE0550-1-3,EN61558-1:1997,EN61558-2-13:2000and gets CE approval.
TDY5series engine bed control transformer technology characteristic primary secondary circles the system separately, when secondary when a winding, it shoulders the transformer completely the rated capacity, when secondary like has at the same time the control, the illumination and the indicating lamp winding, presses various windings capacity *ignment to circle the system separately, to simplex winding, and has intermediate tap's transformer its each intermediate tap capacity, is *aller than transformer's rated capacity, only then the overvoltage out-port may shoulder the rated capacity. |