Yonghua forklift batteries imported high purity alloy of lead production, just when injected into dilute sol state, with battery inside the plate space, make plate ministries uniform reaction; the battery in the high-temperature and overcharge situations, not easy to appear the phenomenon of dry, heat capacity, heat dissipation is good, does not produce heat out of control. In the process of charging the battery internally generated gas absorbed into the electrolyte liquid reduction, internal battery without decrease; Yonghua forklift battery plate absorptive capability is very strong, so that the battery is not liquid flow battery forklift, strong safety performance, customers in the use of the process, a lot of time due to the use of error, to the gas inside battery precipitate a lot, in this case, Yonghua forklift battery special design prevents the breakdown of the battery. Yonghua forklift battery before use should be sufficient to avoid battery charging; in the operation process for intermittent repeatedly charged, it will shorten its life and reduce its capacity. Extreme temperature differences can affect the performance of the battery and the charging effect. Low temperature will reduce the capacity of battery and prevents the normal charging, high temperature will increase the electrolyte depletion and can lead to excessive charging. While high temperature would lead to "the loss of heat energy" and led to the explosion or fire. If you can't avoid extreme temperature differences, will be advisory Yonghua forklift battery or charger expert related solutions.