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小松叉车电瓶在一般情况下,当电池是串联或者并联应用时,所连接的电池大小、容量甚至已使用时间长短需大致相若。不可将新电池与旧电池一起使用。周期性测试是*重要及不可避免的。以比重计量度每个*电池组(需*充电)的电解液比重可显示其平均及正确的充电水平。小松叉车蓄电池不平均的比重意味着需要作平衡处理或者是*电池组失效。放电检查可找出坏电池。一个容量低的电池可导致同组的电池过早失效。充电器与电池组*须相*匹配,不合适的充电器会降低电池容量和寿命及使用时间。小松komatsu叉车电瓶正*管型*板,使用管套技术加以定位,该工艺减少*物质的脱落,从而*适合牵引用蓄电池的反复循环充放电的要求;无漏液,无电池膨胀及破裂,开路电压正常。蓄电池组的使用,切勿让小孩触摸蓄电池,钙合金设计使得komatsu叉车电池具备*长的使用寿命,即使经过长期储存,仍能保持蓄电池的*量!过度充电会很大程度压缩叉车电瓶寿命,严重的话将导致蓄电池报废;记得检查充电电压及充电电流是否*合叉车的充电标准,这样能避免蓄电池在充电造成的过度充电;电池充电时温度不可高于120°F;深循环叉车蓄电池需要作周期性平衡处理。现可以配套日本小松叉车蓄电池的车系有“FB10-13RS.RL、FB15.18R-11、FB15.18R-12、FB15EX-8、FB20EX-8、FB20.25EX-8、FB15EX-11、FB20EX- 11、FB25EX-11、FB09H-12、FB10-18(M)-12、FB20A(M)-12”。Komatsu Forklift batteries in the general case, when the battery is connected in series or parallel application, the connected battery size, capacity and have been used broadly comparable to the length of time required. Without new batteries and used batteries can be used together. Periodic test is very important and inevitable. The proportion of each individual to measure battery (to be fully charged ) of the specific gravity of electrolyte can display the average and the correct charge level. Komatsu Forklift Battery does not mean proportion means the need for balance or independent battery failure. Discharge examination can find out bad battery. A low capacity of battery can lead to the same group of premature battery failure. Charger and battery must match match, not a suitable charger will reduce the battery capacity and life and time of use. Komatsu Forklift battery anode tube Komatsu t*e plate pipe, using technology to locate, the process to reduce the active material from, which is especially suitable for the traction battery charge and discharge cycle of repeated requests; and no leakage, no cell expansion and rupture of the normal, open circuit voltage. Battery use, do not let the children touch battery, calcium alloy design makes the Komatsu Forklift Battery has a long service life, even after long-term storage, can still maintain a high energy battery! Excessive charging can be greatly compressed forklift battery life, serious would lead battery scrap; remember to check the charging voltage and charging current is in accordance with the forklift charging standard, this can avoid battery in charging caused by excessive charging; when the battery temperature can not be higher than 120° F; deep cycle battery forklift battery requires periodic balance processing. Now you can complete the Japanese Komatsu Forklift Battery car "FB10-13RS.RL, FB15.18R-11, FB15.18R-12, FB15EX-8, FB20EX-8, FB20.25EX-8, FB15EX-11, FB20EX- 11, FB25EX-11, FB09H-12, FB10-18( M ) -12, FB20A ( M ) -12".


