台励福叉车电瓶采用*的合金配方,使用高纯度多元铅基合金,使板栅具有良好耐腐性能,析气量小,水损耗低,自放电小。Tailift电池组的正*管型*板,使用管套技术加以定位,该工艺减少*物质的脱落,从而*适合牵引用蓄电池的反复循环充放电的要求。台励福叉车蓄电池在正、负*板之间通过一种*的微孔塑料隔离片加以*缘,另外,在负*栅形*板外,加套一种*薄膜,以*由于充电,其*物质泥膏因膨胀而脱落,造成与外界短路。从而*了电池寿命长。目前我司所配套的台励福叉车电瓶耐震动性好:*充电状态的电池*固定,以4mm的振幅,16.7Hz的频率震动1小时,无漏液,无电池膨胀及破裂,开路电压正常。耐冲击性好:*充电状态的电池从20cm高处自然落至1cm厚的硬木板上3次。无漏液,无电池膨胀及破裂,开路电压正常。台励福叉车蓄电池组的使用,切勿让小孩触摸蓄电池,可能会因稀*而导致失明,烧伤或触电。不要把蓄电池组投入火中或将其加热 。可能会引起漏液、冒烟、损坏。请不要将蓄电池的(+)*端子和(-)*端子接反后充电使用。可能会引起发热、起火、冒烟或 引起*。切勿拆开、修理电池、可能导致引*炸、或受伤。放电电流不要*过额定容量的2倍,或至引起内部熔断、*.Taiwan's Lai Fuk forklift battery using advanced alloy formula, using high purity multiple lead based alloy, so that the grid has good corrosion resistance, *all water gas evolution, low loss, *all self-discharge. Tailift battery anode tube t*e plate pipe, using technology to locate, the process to reduce the active material from, which is especially suitable for the traction battery cycle of repeated charging and discharging requirements. Taiwan's Lai Fuk forklift battery in positive, negative plate through a special microporous plastic isolation sheet to be insulated, in addition, in the anode grid plates, and a special film, to prevent the charge, its active material paste for expansion and fall off, cause and external short circuit. Thus ensuring long battery life. The current Division I supporting Taiwan's Lai Fuk forklift battery shock resistance and good : the complete charge state of the battery is fixed, with the amplitude of 4mm,16.7Hz frequency vibration for 1 hours, no leakage, no cell expansion and rupture of the normal, open circuit voltage. Good impact resistance: fully charged state of the battery from a height 20cm naturally fell to 1cm thick board3 times. No leakage, no cell expansion and rupture of the normal, open circuit voltage. Taiwan's Lai Fuk forklift batteries use, do not let the children touch battery, may be a result of dilute sulfuric acid and the leading cause of blindness, burn or electric shock. Don't put the battery into fire or to be heated. May cause leakage, *oking, damage. Please do not use the battery pole terminal ( + ) and ( - ) polar terminal connected to the charge. May cause fever, fire, *oke or cause an explosion. Do not dis*emble, battery repair, may lead to explosive, or injured. Discharge current should not exceed the rated capacity of 2 times, or to cause the internal fuse, explosion