
地区:广东 中山



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led老化线:led灯杯老化线 ,LED灯管老化线,LED多功能老化线,LED环形T5老化线,LED路灯老化线,LED球泡老化线,路灯老化线,新型电子*灯老化线等;
二、规格参数: L12000×W1650×H750(mm)
三、数    量:1条
1. 动力:采用台湾品牌0.75KW的齿轮调速电机,比速为1:7.5;WPA100型1:30的减速机,合资1HP变频器,变频无级调速,线速度0—4M/min可调。
2. 机身、机架:机架采用50×40矩形钢管焊接制作;机身采用130×23老化线*铝合金型材;机头机尾封板用1.2mm冷板弯轧成型,支脚配镀锌可调脚杯,机身2米一段。
3. 输送链条:采用上海链条厂出产的8分双节距双孔链条。
4. 老化小台车:采用1.2冷板弯扎成型,规格:438×550×60(mm);LED筒灯老化小台车面板采用4mm电木板;每块板上装有16套2位音箱线夹,每块板上可同时老化16套带外线LED筒灯。LED*灯老化小台车面板采用1.5mm冷板弯折成型,每块面板装有25支E27五爪灯座,及每块小台车可同时老化25支*灯;每套小台车安装*、火线导电铜刷各一路,断路开关一套;*共约46套老化小台车(实际数量以安装数量为准)。
5. 老化规则:*共配2种规格小台车,及LED天花灯和LED*灯老化小台车,*配23套LED天花灯老化小台车,及可同时老化368套带线LED天花灯;配23套LED*灯老化小台车,及可同时老化575支LED*灯。根据不同老化时间老化出不同产量。
6. 高温区:*共配4米高温房,内壁采用1mm的镀锌板结构,外壁为1.2mm冷轧板弯轧制作,保温层采用硅酸铝耐火纤维;房内设不锈钢带翅片加热管,炉体每两米一段,*共设两段,每段上设1台立式0.37KW风机,配外径160mm离心式风叶。*对加热管吹风散热。温度自动恒温70℃,数字温控显示,继电器自动控制,分两段自动控制。
7. 挡光护罩:在线体面上四侧各设挡光护罩,采用茶色*玻璃板与铝合金组合而成。*的衰减*灯的光线,更好的保护眼睛。操作区及高温区除外
8. 导电系统:在老化小车下沿线体架每侧配装有两路(*、火线)导电槽,双边沿线布置。
9. 检测节拍电路:任设一区为节拍控制区。采用PLC控制冲击时间,时间可调。
10. 检测老练漫游区:任设一区为漫游区,使电压*间的变化而波动,180—220—250不断变化,时间采用PLC控制,时间可调 。
11. *功率:10KVA 4个调压器,*两边共设6个电压区, 160V、180V、220V、240V、(具体分布按甲方要求而定)。另配一台10KVA交流变压器,输出交流110V、12V电压。操作时通过转换开关转换220V或110V、12V电压。
12. 电器控制:电压、马达运行指示采用数字显示式,整个电器控制系统采用PLC控制,调压器4个,变压器1台,采用1个配电控柜安装。
13. 机体颜色:机架机身采用电脑白色喷塑,铝合金为原色。

PVC Horizontal Belt Assembly Line Production Plan & Quotation
I. Project: Connected T*e PVC Belt Conveyer
II. Dimensions: 12000L × 500W ×730H (mm)
III. Quantity: 3 set
IV. Features: PVC belt Conveying, roller driving, electromagnetic
speed control
V. Functional features: This equipment is applicable to various
plants with flow production for *all-medium size material
conveying. The driving system adopts electromagnetic speed regulation system, which is stable,
secure, convenient and quiet.
VI. Material Selection and Remarks
1. Power: The motors use Hongling Brand 0.75KW motors manufactured by Jiangmen Motor Co.,
Ltd, Yashiba Brand 70 model 1:40 peed reducer made in Taiwan, Wuzhou Brand magnetic speed
regulator with stepless speed regulation. Linear speed at 0-2M/min may be regulated freely.
2. Machine body and stand: made of 50×40 rectangle steel pipe by welding. Supports are made
with ?25mm galvanized roller, arranged with pitch of 25mm. The stand bars are equipped with
galvanized adjustable cells. Machine head and tail are made of 1.2mm cold plate, and the machine
body is 2m per section.
3. Conveying belt: quality green lightweight conveying PVC belt imported from Holland, 2mm
thick, 500mm wide, total 12m long, which is of seamless thermal shrinkage ring connection.
4. Light stand and lighting: H-shape light stand, one per 2m, made of 40×20×1.5mm rectangle
steel pipe, 1.26m high, with 2000×50×25×0.8mm coated traceway for connecting power. The
40W single daylight lamp tube stand is used, with one stand per 1.4m, arranged along both sides.
5. Worktable: Long worktable of 730×490×730mm, table board made 15mm plywood, affixed
with blue fire-resistant board on face and T-shaped plastic edge; supports legs made of
25×25×1.5mm rectangle steel pipe, fixed with galvanized adjustable soles at the bottom. L25mm
angle iron arranged along two sides of machine.
6. Work Power: made of 2000×50×25×0.8mm galvanized traceway, set under the machine belt,
with triphase and biphase sockets along two sides (1m/one socket).
7. Operation card: Two operation card stands are set under the light stand, made of H-shape
aluminum guide rail. At each work position is arranged a 300×400×1.5mm transparent gl*.
8. Gas pipe: A gas supply pipe is set in the middle of light stand, made of 4cm galvanized water
pipe, with one tap and plug per 1m.
9. Machine body color: Machine metal surface will be of fruit-green coating or (other colors are


