
地区:广东 中山



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led老化线:led灯杯老化线 ,LED灯管老化线,LED多功能老化线,LED环形T5老化线,LED路灯老化线,LED球泡老化线,路灯老化线,新型电子*灯老化线等;
三、数    量:1套
1. 动力:2套动力采用台湾合资产1.5KW的电机,WPS80型1:60的减速机,合资产2HP变频器,变频无级调速,线速度0—6M/min可调。
2. 机身、机架:机身采用差速链*异型铝型材,规格为6000×100×118mm。机架均采用40×40×1.5mm方管焊接而成,支脚配镀锌可调脚杯;机头机尾架采用40×50×1.5mm方形钢管焊接而成,机头机尾护板用1.2mm冷板弯轧成型,机身脚架2米一段。
3. 输送链条:输送链条采用差速链*优质半塑胶链条,*两边四路共采用4条,每条长约40米。
4. 工装板、阻挡器:工装板规格为500×700×20(mm),采用18mm优质木夹板制作,每块板上铺2mm绿色胶皮,*共配54块工装板。2套QO-IV卧式阻挡器,22套QX-II带锁阻挡器。*共配22套脚踏开关。
5. 升降平移、过度装置;采用深圳合资厂产六套优质120W微型带齿轮电机,传动带12条采用3mm带导条止*滑皮带。四套升降平移气缸采用四导柱顶升*气缸。
6. 灯架、照明:H型灯架设在机架上,选用40×20×1.5mm的方管焊接而成,连接机身上每2m一个架用2000×50×25×1.0mm喷塑线槽连接电源,照明选用T5*灯28W单支灯管支架,每1.4米安装一支T5*灯支架,双边顺线布置。
7. 隔板、二层台:设在灯架中间,支撑采用40x40角钢,每2米一段;台板采用优质15mm压缩板,面贴绿色*火板,宽500mm,中间一路上下两层顺线铺设。
8. 风扇:设在灯架顶部中间一路布置,每2000mm安装一台千叶牌360°摇头16"楼低风扇,*共配9台风扇。
9. 工艺卡:在灯架上两边设两路工艺指导卡架,采用H型铝导轨制作,每工位布置一块A4透明胶套。
10. 气管:设在灯架顶上两侧;采用4分镀锌管,每米配一组三通加快速插头,双边使用。脚架下中间设一路气管,采用4分镀锌管,每气缸位配一组三通加快速插头,双边气缸使用。
11. 风批挂钩:设在光管支架旁边,采用30×28*铝合金滑槽,配尼龙滑轮,每米工位配一个。
12. 工作电源:采用2000×50×25×1.0mm镀锌线槽,设在机身下,两路两边安装方型三、二位插座(每米/工位安装一个)。
13. 电器控制:*电气控制由一个配电箱完成,整个系统采用PLC控制,其中工作电源分左右两路控制,照明系统采用四路式控制,即隔一支亮一支控制,用户可根据实际应用控制照明方式,减少资源浪费。
14. 机体颜色:机头尾表面采用电脑白色喷塑,其它为铝合金原色。

PVC Horizontal Belt Assembly Line Production Plan & Quotation
I. Project: Connected T*e PVC Belt Conveyer
II. Dimensions: 12000L × 500W ×730H (mm)
III. Quantity: 3 set
IV. Features: PVC belt Conveying, roller driving, electromagnetic
speed control
V. Functional features: This equipment is applicable to various
plants with flow production for *all-medium size material
conveying. The driving system adopts electromagnetic speed regulation system, which is stable,
secure, convenient and quiet.
VI. Material Selection and Remarks
1. Power: The motors use Hongling Brand 0.75KW motors manufactured by Jiangmen Motor Co.,
Ltd, Yashiba Brand 70 model 1:40 peed reducer made in Taiwan, Wuzhou Brand magnetic speed
regulator with stepless speed regulation. Linear speed at 0-2M/min may be regulated freely.
2. Machine body and stand: made of 50×40 rectangle steel pipe by welding. Supports are made
with ?25mm galvanized roller, arranged with pitch of 25mm. The stand bars are equipped with
galvanized adjustable cells. Machine head and tail are made of 1.2mm cold plate, and the machine
body is 2m per section.
3. Conveying belt: quality green lightweight conveying PVC belt imported from Holland, 2mm
thick, 500mm wide, total 12m long, which is of seamless thermal shrinkage ring connection.
4. Light stand and lighting: H-shape light stand, one per 2m, made of 40×20×1.5mm rectangle
steel pipe, 1.26m high, with 2000×50×25×0.8mm coated traceway for connecting power. The
40W single daylight lamp tube stand is used, with one stand per 1.4m, arranged along both sides.
5. Worktable: Long worktable of 730×490×730mm, table board made 15mm plywood, affixed
with blue fire-resistant board on face and T-shaped plastic edge; supports legs made of
25×25×1.5mm rectangle steel pipe, fixed with galvanized adjustable soles at the bottom. L25mm
angle iron arranged along two sides of machine.
6. Work Power: made of 2000×50×25×0.8mm galvanized traceway, set under the machine belt,
with triphase and biphase sockets along two sides (1m/one socket).
7. Operation card: Two operation card stands are set under the light stand, made of H-shape
aluminum guide rail. At each work position is arranged a 300×400×1.5mm transparent gl*.
8. Gas pipe: A gas supply pipe is set in the middle of light stand, made of 4cm galvanized water
pipe, with one tap and plug per 1m.
9. Machine body color: Machine metal surface will be of fruit-green coating or (other colors are


