K200 纸水分计 东莞市品易高检测仪器有限公司




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K200 纸水分计 Paper Moisture Tester 本计能*测试纸张(牛皮纸,瓦楞纸…等)之含水量,利用水分导电之原理,测试其电阻差测试出纸张之含水率,本仪器轻巧易携带,内含电池供应电源,可在任何场合进行测试 These instruments were designed for on-the-spot testing to measure the moisture of The Kraft paper, corrugated paper and so on. Direct moisture reading from the two di*al displays to ensure an accurate measurement. On the other hand, portable t*e with battery power source to easily perform the testing everywhere. 各项参数Instruction: 测定方式Measuring Method : 电阻式 测试范围Measuring Range : 牛皮纸:1.5~10% ; 瓦楞纸:5~15% 指示方式Indicating Method : LCD 精度Accuracy : 0.5% 体积Dimension:感测棒140*190*350 mm 体积Dimension:显示器220*170*75 mm 重量Weight : 4kg 电源Power : 电池 1.5V (C size)