Coin Cell Battery Holder CR2032 电池座模块
Description:Sure, your flashing, chip-tune playing t-shirt is really cool at the party... but at some point you need to turn it off. And yes, you could just pull the battery, or maybe you've even sewn a LilyPad slide switch in-line. Wouldn't it be nice if there was just a switchonthe battery? Well look no further.
This LilyPad Coin Cell Battery Holder has a small slide switch installed on the board, in-line with the power so you can shut off your project and save batteries. This slide switch is the same as is found on the LilyPad slide switch board, so it's not easy to accidentally turn off or on.
Just like the original Coin Cell Battery Holder, this simple board holds a 20mm coin cell battery (such as a CR2032) and gives you 4 connection points (two positive and two negative) for sewing into your project.
Note:A portion of this sale is given back to Dr. Leah Buechley for continued development and education of e-textiles.
Coin Cell
Battery Holder
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