显示屏来显示操作,使用一片FT8U245 USB芯片!能使用多种小型Flash卡和多媒体卡作为歌曲文件

yampp7 is a new portable MP3 player that uses Compact Flash or MultiMedia cards for storage of songs. You"ll get about 1 minute of playing time per MB on the memory card, if your songs are 128 kbps. The player is pretty small and the PCB has been designed to fit into a Teko "Soap" box. It features a 84*48 pixel graphical LCD display, similar to the displays used on Nokia 3310 cell phones. It"s designed to operate from rechargable battery cells, either from a single 3.6V Li-Ion cell (recommended), or from 3*1.2V Ni-Mh cells. With a 600 mA Li-Ion cell, the playing time is about 12 hours, but you can find Li-Ion cells up to 1200 mAh that will fit in the player, extending the playing time to about 24 hours It"s intended to be used with replacement Li-Ion cells for Mobile Phones, making it easy (and relatively cheap) to find a suitable cell. (I use mine with a cell for a Motorola V3688 Phone). It also features a USB interface for fast downloading of songs to the memory card, and for firmware updates The player uses a special filesystem called YADL (Yampp Advanced Disk Layout), which maximizes the capacoty of the memory card. It is playlist based and give the player a powerful but easy to use user interface

Processor The central part of the yampp-7 player is the Atmel mega161
CPU. It"s like a big-brother to the classic 8515 CPU that was used on the original yampp-3. It has 16 kB Flash and 1024 bytes internal SRAM, both double as much as on the 8515. It also features a bootloader option. This is been used in yampp-7, where it is now possible to download new firmware over the USB link USB The USB link is controlled by a FT8U245BM chip from FTDI. This is a VERY easy to use USB chip, which basically looks like a simple 8-bit buffer (hence the name).