


  TI 公司的THS7319是集成了滤波器的非常低功耗的单电源(2.6V-5V)三路视频放大器。THS7319集成了三路增强分辨率(ED)的滤波器,具有三阶Butterworth特性。可用作DAC重建滤波器或ADC抗混淆滤波器。THS7319在3.3V时的总静态电流仅为3.4mA,非常适合以电池为能源的应用,如PMP,数码相机,手机视频输出缓冲和USB/手提低功耗视频缓冲。本文介绍了THS7319主要特性,方框图, 标准测试电路以及多种应用电路,包括单电源DC耦合输入/DC耦合输出视频线路驱动器,DC耦合编码器/DAC和DC耦合线路驱动器的THS7319系统, 驱动AC耦合视频线路的DC输入系统。此外还介绍了THS7319 EVM评估板电路图和评估板材料清单。

  Fabricated using the revolutionary, complementary Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) BiCom3X process, the THS7319 is a very low-power, 2.6-V to 5-V single-supply, three-channel, integrated filter video buffer. This device is ideal for battery-powered applications where size and power are critical parameters. Total quiescent current is only 3.4 mA at 3.3 V and can be reduced to 0.15 μA while disabled.

  The THS7319 incorporates three enhanced definition (ED) filter channels with third-order Butterworth characteristics. These filters are useful as digital-to-analog converter (DAC) reconstruction filters or as analog-to-digital converter (ADC) anti-aliasing filters supporting 480p/576p YPBPR and RGB video. The THS7319 is also ideal for oversampled systems that produce standard-definition (SD) signals including CVBS, S-Video, 480i/576i YPBPR, YUV, and RGB.

  The THS7319 is designed for dc-coupled inputs. To mitigate any DAC/encoder termination interaction, the input impedance is a very high 2.4 M. The 150-mV output level shift allows for a full sync dynamic range at the output with a 0-V input that prevents sync crushing. The rail-to-rail output stage supports both ac and dc line driving.

  The THS7319 is offered in a RoHS-compliant ultra-small 9-ball MicrostarCSP package that measures 1.5-mm × 1.5-mm × 0.35-mm.

  THS7319 的主要特性与优势

  ·针对 EDTV 的集成型 3 阶巴特沃思固定滤波器可节省空间;

  ·每通道 1.1 mA 的低静态电流与断电模式下 0.15 uA 的电流可延长电池使用寿命;

  ·1.5 毫米 x 1.5 毫米 x 0.40 毫米微小型 MicrostarCSPTM 封装可将产品高度降低 30%以上;

  ·单电源 2.5 V 至 5.5 V 的宽泛低电压工作可限度地提高设计灵活性。


  采用绿色环保无铅 TSSOP-20 封装(符合 RoHS 标准)的 THS7365 现已开始供货。采用微小型 MicrostarCSP 封装的 THS7319现已开始供货。

  通过以下链接查阅有关 TI 视频放大器产品系列 的更多信息:

  ·样片与 EVM


  ·通过 TI E2E 在线社区提问并分享知识


  Personal Media Players

  Digital Cameras

  Cellular Phone Video Output Buffering

  USB/Portable Low-Power Video Buffering






图6.THS7319 EVM评估板电路图
THS7319 EVM评估板材料清单(BOM):


下一篇:TI 公司针对TSC2117带D类放大器和音频编解码器的解决方案(英文版)

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