APC sets itself apart from the competition in several ways:Global one-s* solutions- APC provides worldwide access to "*-of-breed" offerings;
Financial strength- APC's financial strength makes it an attractive partner;
Efficient manufacturing- APC provides high quality products to customers worldwide;
Innovative product offerings- APC designs solutions to address "real" customer needs.
APC’s InfraStruXure is on-demand architecture for network-critical physical infrastructure (NCPI). The InfraStruXure design, which integrates power, cooling, rack, management and services, allows the selection of standardized, modular components to create a customized solution. This standardization coupled with the APC Design Portal enables an easily scalable architecture designed to meet changing needs and future expansion. This patent-pending approach provides increased availability, improved adaptability and speed of deployment as well as lowered total cost of ownership for IT environments – from wiring closets to computer rooms to data centers.
*一体化方案 - *用户都可以方便快捷地获得APC的“*佳”电源系统、管理和服务解决方案,无论是桌面系统,还是数据中心或是企业,都可以得到*的服务与保障;财政力量 - APC连续*的销售额和收入,使得APC成为IT界活跃的合作伙伴;*的生产机制 - 在*主要地区设立了生产基地,从而能够及时为其各地用户提供*新产品;- 革新性的产品 APC的硬件设计满足了用户的真正要求;INFRASTRUXURE(英飞集成系统)