
地区:广东 深圳



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·产品描述 Description

GYXTC8S光缆的结构是将 250μm 光纤套入高模量材料制成的松套管中,松套管内填充*水化合物。松套管外用一层双面涂塑钢带(PSP)纵包,钢带和松套管之间加阻水材料以*光缆的紧凑和纵向阻水,和钢丝绞线集成到一个8字型的聚乙烯护套内。

The fibers, 250μm,are positioned in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic, the tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. The two sides PSP are lon*udinally applied over the outer loose tube. Steel wires and loose tubes filled with water proof compound to ensure compact and lon*udinally water blocking ,this part of cable accompanied with the stranded wires as the supporting part are completed with a polyethylene(PE) sheath to be figure 8 structure.

·产品特点 Characteristics

        · 钢丝绞线具有*高的*拉度,便于自承式架空敷设,降低安装成本
        · High tensile strength of stranded wires meet the requirement of self-supporting and reduce the
          installation cost

        · 具有良好的机械性能和温度性能
        · Good mechanical and temperature performance

        · 松套管材料本身具有良好的耐水解性能和较高的强度
        · High strength loose tube that is hydrolysis resistant

        · 管内充以特种油膏,对光纤进行了关键性保护
        · Special tube filling compound ensure a critical protection of fiber

        · 双面涂塑钢带(PSP)*光缆的*透潮能力
        · PSP enhancing moisture-proof

        · 直径小、重量轻、容易敷设
        · Small diameter, light weight and friendly installation

        · 较长的交货长度,价格便宜
        · Long delivery length and low price.



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