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SharpEyeTM 20/20MU微型紫外火焰探测器 适用于工业环境的火焰*地探测。 配置了高灵敏度的紫外传感器,监测早期的火焰紫外放射线。 专门的逻辑电路有助于*太阳辐射引起的错误报警。 紧凑型结构,轻巧型机体更适合安装。 能够在高/低温,高湿,震动等*苛刻的环境下工作。 能够在3 sec. 内探测到 1ft.2 (0.1m2)汽油锅火。 *适用于探测无形的火焰:氢化物、氢气、氨气、硅烷等 任意紫外线产生如闪电、电弧焊接都会使SharpEyeTM 20/20MU微型紫外火焰探测器产生错误的报警。 特点 • 紫外(UV)光谱检测 • 反应时间3秒(标准) • 更宽监测视野(垂直/水平100o) • 用户设置功能 • 通过微机或手操器修改设置 • 自动或手动校准功能 (BIT) • 标准4线连接 • 4-20mA 或3-4线输出 • RS485 Modbus • *小平均故障间隔时间100,000小时 • 3年质保期 基本技术参数   光谱量程 紫外(UV)光谱0185-0.260µm 检测范围 (1sq.ft锅火) 汽油 50ft(15m) 正庚烷 50ft(15m) 柴油 37ft(11m) JP5 37ft(11m) 煤油 37ft(11m) 酒精(Ethanol) 37.5ft(11m) IAP(Isopropyl Alcohol)25ft(7.5m) 甲醇 25ft(7.5m) 甲烷 40ft(12m) LPG(丙烷) 40ft(12m) 氢 50ft(15m) 硅烷 33ft(10m) 聚丙烯 20ft(6m) 纸 20ft(6m) 反应时间 3秒(标准) 可调* *大30秒(20秒可选) 监测范围 垂直100o,水平100o 自检功能 手动或自动自检 温度要求 工作温度: -40oF(-40 oC)~160oF(70 oC) 储存温度: -65oF(-55 oC)~185oF(85 oC) 湿度 95%           电子技术参数   工作电压 18-32VDC 工作电流 待机状态:40 mA(*大) 报警状态:70 mA(*大) 电缆接口 12线连接端口 电路保护 *合 MIL-STD-1275A标准 电磁兼容 EMI/RFI protected CE Marked   输出   继电输出 报警: 2A @30 VDC 0.5A @250 VAC 失败继电输出:常闭(normally close);其他:常开(normally on) 4-20 mA 失败(Fault): 自校失败:(BIT Fault) 正常(Normall): 示警(Warning): 报警(Alarm): 环路电阻(Resistance loop): 0 2 mA 4 mA 16 mA 20 mA 100-600 Ohm +0.5 mA ±10% ±5% ±5% ±5% RS-485 RS-485标准接口,可用于连接控制器等设备   物理属性   外形尺寸 4" x 5.2" x 2.5" (100 x 100 x 62 mm) 重量 不锈钢(St. St 316L):2.5Lb (1.2 Kg) 工程塑料:0.7Lb (0.3 Kg) 安装支架:0.8Lb (0.3 7Kg) 适用环境 *合MIL-STD-810C标准。应用于高湿、高盐、震动、机械震动、高温和低温等环境。 外壳 不锈钢(St. St 316L)外壳;工程塑料外壳 *护性能 IP66 and IP67 per En60529 NEMA 250 6P  编码器一般分为增量型与*对型,它们存着*大的区别:在增量编码器的情况下,位置是从*位标记开始计算的脉冲数量确定的,而*对型编码器的位置是由输出代码的读数确定的。在一圈里,每个位置的输出代码的读数是*的; 因此,当电源断开时,*对型编码器并不与实际的位置分离。如果电源再次接通,那么位置读数仍是当前的,*的; 不像增量编码器那样,*须去寻找*位标记。   现在编码器的厂家生产的系列都很全,一般都是*的,如电梯*型编码器、机床*编码器、伺服电机*型编码器等,并且编码器都是智能型的,有各种并行接口可以与其它设备通讯。   编码器是把角位移或直线位移转换成电信号的一种装置。前者成为码盘,后者称码尺.按照读出方式编码器可以分为接触式和非接触式两种.接触式采用电刷输出,一电刷接触导电区或*缘区来表示代码的状态是“1”还是“0”;非接触式的接受敏感元件是光敏元件或磁敏元件,采用光敏元件时以透光区和不透光区来表示代码的状态是“1”还是“0”。   按照工作原理编码器可分为增量式和*对式两类。增量式编码器是将位移转换成周期性的电信号,再把这个电信号转变成计数脉冲,用脉冲的个数表示位移的大小。*对式编码器的每一个位置对应一个确定的数字码,因此它的示值只与测量的起始和终止位置有关,而与测量的中间过程无关。   旋转增量式编码器以转动时输出脉冲,通过计数设备来知道其位置,当编码器不动或停电时,依靠计数设备的内部记忆来记住位置。这样,当停电后,编码器不能有任何的移动,当来电工作时,编码器输出脉冲过程中,也不能有干扰而丢失脉冲,不然,计数设备记忆的*点就会偏移,而且这种偏移的量是无从知道的,只有错误的生产结果出现后才能知道。解决的方法是增加参考点,编码器每经过参考点,将参考位置修正进计数设备的记忆位置。在参考点以前,是不能*位置的准确性的。为此,在工控中就有每次操作先找参考点,开机找*等方法。这样的编码器是由码盘的机械位置决定的,它不受停电、干扰的影响。   *对编码器由机械位置决定的每个位置的*性,它无需记忆,无需找参考点,而且不用一直计数,什么时候需要知道位置,什么时候就去读取它的位置。这样,编码器的*干扰特性、数据的*性大大*了。   由于*对编码器在定位方面明显地*增量式编码器,已经越来越多地应用于工控定位中。*对型编码器因其*,输出位数较多,如仍用并行输出,其每一位输出信号*须*连接很好,对于较复杂工况还要隔离,连接电缆芯数多,由此带来诸多不便和降低*性,因此,*对编码器在多位数输出型,一般均选用串行输出或总线型输出,德国生产的*对型编码器串行输出*常用的是SSI(同步串行输出)。 日本MTL编码器制品 Microtech Laboratory MTL编码器 Micro编码器 MICRO ENCODER M*-6-P ME-9-P ME-12-P ME-17-P ME-20-P ME-30-P M*-40-P ME-50 256 φ13×15.5 MA-10 G、N024 B, 1000 φ20×21 MA-17 G、N B, 1000 φ46×30 MA-36 G、N 256?360?512?720? 1024?2048?4096 B, φ52×40 MA-42 G、N 256?512?1000?1024?2000?2048?4096 B, 360?400?720?800?1000?2000?3600 φ76×64 MA-60 φ13×15.5 256 MA-10 φ20×21 G、N024 B, 1000 MA-17 φ46×30 G、N B, 1000 MA-36 φ52×40 G、N 256?360?512?720? 1024?2048?4096 B, MA-42 φ76×64 G、N 256?512?1000?1024?2000?2048?4096 B, 360?400?720?800?1000?2000?3600 MA-60 0.04?0.1 250mm MLS-12 0.02?0.2(0.01mm) 500mm/1000mm MLS-30 0.4(0.1mm) 2000mm/4000mm MLS-50 250mm 0.04?0.1 MLS-12 500mm/1000mm 0.02?0.2(0.01mm) MLSmm/4000mm 0.4(0.1mm) MLS-50 0~250mm 0.1 MLS-12-01-250 0~250mm 0.01 MLS-12-001-250 0~500mm 0.1 MLS-30-01-500 0~500mm 0.01 MLS-30-001-500 0~1000mm 0.1 MLS-30-01-1000 0~1000mm 0.01 MLS-30-~2000mm 0.1 MLS-50-01-2000 0~2000mm 0.01 MLS-50-~4000mm 0.1 MLS-50-01-4000 0~4000mm 0.01 MLS-50-001-4000 MICRO-ENCODERS 产品 容量 电路图 型 式 规格 特性 图 形 SE series *小型 外径; 6~8mm P/R数:100-300P/R 近似正弦波 电压:DC5V M* series *普及型 外径; 32~65mm P/R数:40-32400P/R 轴径:6~8mm 电压:DC5V,5~12v,5~24v MEH series 贯穿型 外径; 32~150mm P/R数:40-7200000P/R 孔径:5~60mm 电压:DC5V,5~12v,5~24v MG series 贯穿型 外径; 44mm P/R数:100-2000P/R 孔径:5~10mm 电压:DC5V 服务马达* MA series *对值型 外径;44~55mm 类型:Gray码/BCD码/ 二进制 P/R数:256/1000/3600/ 4096P/R 电压:DC5V,12V,24V MLS series 拉线型 线长:50~15000mm 精度:0.05,0.2,0.4mm 电压:DC5V,12v,14v MTL rotary encoders are all based on space-saving design and available in many t*es from ultra-*all t*es to high-resolution products.     Series name   Appearance   T*e name   Features S*-10- Outside dimensions 13x10 Resolution 100 to 200 This is adopted as a multi-functional sensor for detecting angle and movement of *all-unit-t*e systems such as OA equipment, automatic vending machine, and card reader. With current consumption 10 to 12mA, approximate sine wave to sufficiently meet actual application can be obtained. SE-17- Outside dimensions 20x12.5 Resolution 100 to 360 This is adopted as a multi-functional sensor for detecting angle and movement of *all-unit-t*e systems such as OA equipment, automatic vending machine, and card reader. With current consumption 10 to 12mA, approximate sine wave to sufficiently meet actual application can be obtained. M*-6-PC Outside dimensions 7.5x10.5 Resolution 100 to 360 The *allest model of ultra-*all series. A, B, and Z phase output. Open collector output. ME-9-11-P Outside dimensions 13x20 Resolution 100 to 1024 (16,000) Compactness, light weight. A, B, and Z phase output. Hollow-shaft t*e convenient for *all motors. Option Sine wave With built-in PST ×2, ×4, ×8, ×16 multiplication circuit ME-12-P Outside dimensions 20x20 Resolution 100 to 2048 (32,000) Compactness, light weight. A, B, and Z phase output. Availability of hollow-shaft t*e convenient for *all motors. Option Sine wave With built-in PST ×2, ×4, ×8, ×16 multiplication circuit ME-17-P Outside dimensions 20x15 Resolution 100 to 500 Compactness, light weight. A, B, and Z phase output. Availability of 3 t*es of shaft shape, single-shaft t*es2 and 4 and hollow-shaft t*e. ME-20-P Outside dimensions 32x22 Resolution 40 to 7200 (57,600) Thin and compact popular t*e. Availability of shaft shape to meet various fitting systems. Option Sine wave With built-in PST ×2, ×4, ×8, ×16 multiplication circuit ME-30-P Outside dimensions 44x22 Resolution 40 to 10800 (144,000) Thin and compact popular t*e. Availability of shaft shape to meet various fitting systems. Option Sine wave With built-in PST ×2, ×4, ×8, ×16 multiplication circuit M*-40-P Outside dimensions 56x40 Resolution 100 to 15000 (80,000) Robust, general-purpose t*e. Hostile-environment and *-proof specifications are also available. Load-resistance. Option Sine wave With built-in PST ×4, ×8, ×16 multiplication circuit ME-50- Outside dimensions 65x30 Resolution 500 to 10800 172,800 Thin and compact popular t*e. Availability of shaft shape to meet various fitting methods. With built-in PST ×2, ×4, ×8, ×16 multiplication circuit MEH-60- Outside dimensions 74x30 Resolution 180 to 21600 345,600 High resolution. Easy-to-fit thin t*e. Large hollow shaft of 30 in inside diameter. With built-in PST ×2, ×4, ×8, ×16 multiplication circuit MEH-85- Outside dimensions 100x26 Resolution 200 to 21600 345,600 High resolution. Easy-to-fit thin t*e. Large hollow shaft of 36 in inside diameter. With built-in PST ×2, ×4, ×8, ×16 multiplication circuit MEH-130- Outside dimensions 150x50 Resolution 360 to 32400 High resolution. Large hollow shafts of 60 and 75 in inside diameter. With built-in PST ×2, ×4, ×8, ×16 multiplication circuit MEH-180--E Outside dimensions 200x71 Resolution 36000 54000 High resolution. 3 power sources. Large hollow shaft of 90 in inside diameter. MGH-14--C Outside dimensions 18.9x20 Resolution 100 to300 MGH-20--E Outside dimensions 32x22.5 Resolution 100 to1200 MGH-30--E Outside dimensions 44x21 Resolution 100 to 2000   Light weight, compactness. Modular t*e * suited for *all motors. With CS signal MAS-10-256G Outside dimensions 13x15.5 Resolution 256 Ultra compact 8-bit absolute t*e Gray code output without reading error MA-17-256 G Outside dimensions 20x21 Resolution 256 to 1024 Ultra-*all 8-bit absolute t*e. Availability of single-shaft (4 in diameter) and hollow shaft (2 in inside diameter). Gray-code output without reading error. MA-36- Outside dimensions 46x30 Resolution 256 to 1024 Compact 8-bit absolute encoder. Robust, hostile-environment t*e. Availability of shaft shape to meet various fitting systems. MA-42- Outside dimensions 52x30 Resolution 256 to 4096 12-bit absolute encoder. The output codes are gray code, pure binary code, and BCD code. MXS---   Outside dimensions 65x63.5 Resolution 128 to 4096 Multiple-rotation absolute encoder MLS-12-- Smallest in the series: Outside dimensions 23 x 24 x 25 (H) Stroke: 250 mm Resolution: Selection from among 1, 0.2, 0.1, and 0.04 mm Lightweight: 60 g MLS-30-- Wire-t*ed linear scale, Absolute output. Minimum reading 0.02mm, 0.2mm *0.005mm, 0.05mm is possible with 4-multiplying circuits. Measuring range: 500mm, 1000mm. Also available is a set t*e with indicator. MLS-50-- Wire-t*ed linear scale, Absolute output. Smallest in the series: Outside dimensions 23 x 24 x 27.4 (H) Output 1,024(G?N)or 1,000(B) Main Applications: Robot Machine, *all actuator, manipulator and etc. MLA-17-- Wire-t*ed linear scale, Absolute output. Smallest in the series: Outside dimensions 23 x 24 x 27.4 (H) Output 1,024(G,N)or 1,000(B) Main Applications: Robot Machine, *all actuator, manipulator and etc. MLA-50-- Wire pulling linear absolute encoder Detection of absolute position does not need backup. Resolution/measuring range: 0.01/40 mm, 0.1/400 mm, 0.25/1000 mm, 0.5/2000 mm, 1/4000 mm REH-30- R Roller t*e encoder. Easy measuring. Minimum reading 0.1 to 1mm. DC-- Small and robust counter. Decimal point moving, dividing/multiplying possible. MT-16S   Outside dimensions 150x65x45 In combination with ME-12PS, ME-20PS or ME-30PS, division is made into 8 multiple and 16 multiple.   Series name   T*e name Spring flange Flange coupling For the details of products, see the page of each product. You are requested to consult sales personnel of our company because the specifications, etc. may be changed for improvement without prior notice.  

