圣阳蓄电池厂商,生产厂家一般的蓄电池铅酸蓄电池是由正负*板、隔板、壳体、电解液和接线桩头等组成,其放电的化学反应是依靠正*板*物质(二氧化铅和铅)和负*板*物质 (海绵状纯铅)在电解液(稀*溶液)的作用下进行,其中*板的栅架,传统蓄电池用铅锑合金制造,免维护蓄电池是用铅钙合金制造,前者用锑,后者用钙,这是两者的根本区别点。不同的材料就会产生不同的现象:传统蓄电池在使用过程中会发生减液现象,这是因为栅架上的锑会污染负*板上的海绵状纯铅,减弱了*充电后蓄电池内的反电动势,造成水的过度分解,大量氧气和氢气分别从正负*板上逸出,使电解液减少。用钙代替锑,就可以改变*充电后的蓄电池的反电动势,减少过充电流,液体气化速度减低,从而减低了电解液的损失。 由于免维护蓄电池采用铅钙合金栅架,充电时产生的水分解量少,水份蒸发量低,加上外壳采用密封结构,释放出来的*气体也很少,所以它与传统蓄电池相比,具有不需添加任何液体,对接线桩头、电线腐蚀少,*过充电能力强,起动电流大,电量储存时间长等优点。 免维护铅酸蓄电池off your computer and unplug its power cable. (2)Connect the blue connector of the video cable to the blue video connector on the back if your computer. (3)Connect your monitors power cable to the power port on the back of the monitor. (4)Plug your computer's power cord and your monitor into a nearby outlet. (5)Turn on your computer and monitor. If the monitor displays an image,installation is complete. (6)If you are using BNC connectors (not available on all models),please remember to switch to “Input B” from “Input A” by simultaneously pressing the “OK” and “UP” knobs on front control panel :The battery's service life is 10 year