供应保护器PIN limiter Diode and Receiver Protector Module

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MCS3AT/BT(TO-5)下载此文件 MCS3AS(SOP8)下载此文件 另外,完整三色颜色传感器(MCSiAT/BT)由19 x 3个Si-PIN光电管集成在一起,它们被组合在直径为3 mm的六边形矩阵内,集成了高质量、长期稳定的彩色滤波器。它们都允许信号频率* MHz范围。为了减小光电管的相互干扰,通过附加的结构,将各自*的部分彼此隔离开。 MTCS系列高级Jencolour真彩色传感器,是新一代的三原色颜色传感器,这些传感器*铅,**合DIN 5033标准下的三色刺激数值(tri-stimulus value)功能。这些彩色传感器的色彩测量精度高于人眼,模仿人眼的光谱响应,以比人眼快10,000 倍的*探测。每一种色彩传感器都采用LCC8封装,可与任何无铅技术工艺结合。其微结构滤波器层被选作干涉滤波器,这使得带通范围内的传送很快,*老化,*机械和热影响,稳定性高,Jencolour系列彩色传感器采用严密*工艺下的更高焊接温度制造,因而排除了滤波器性能的不一致,为通用彩色探测和颜色测量方面的真彩色要求,提供了高技术的解决方案。现在又新推出了带放大器的型号:MTCS-TIAM2 产品资料: MTCSi*(TO-5)下载此文件 MTCSiCS(SOP8)下载此文件*氧传感器 M-15 产品描述: 德国IT的*氧传感器M-15,设计性能**合现代*救护和**等高*标准的要求,其可信度高、寿命长、响应时间快、线性度好、*点稳定 产品主要参数: 测量范围:0-100 Vol.% 传感器理论寿命:>1000000 Vol.% 工作寿命:空气中6年 输出信号:8 -12mV 响应时间t90:< 12秒 工作温度:0℃ to 40℃ 压力范围:750 to 1250 hPa 接线端口:3.5mm*插座 推荐负载值:10Ω 漂移:空气中<1%/每月 重复性:±1% *氧传感器 M-15 资料下栽: 应用资料下载 应用资料下载 配套方案下载 产品应用: 制氧机 呼吸机 麻醉机 高压氧仓 培养箱 孵卵器 氧监护仪 通风机 所提供的产品有滤波器、混频器、移相器、放大器、限幅器、振荡器、共鸣器、解调器、变压器、倍频器、检波器、感应器、联结器、组合器/分解器、匹配器、衰减器、谐振器、高频积层式芯片电感系列、 片形电容器、各类型二*管,并能提供电子磁芯材料、电介质、无线耳机模块和各种广泛用途的IC、芯片。同时也为客户设计提供技术咨询综合解决方案等相关服务。代理公司名单:Mini-Circuits 、Xemics、MicroMetrics、Xemics、Acx、Herotek、Inkode、Trans-Tech、CondorSystems、Alpha、Condor Systems等。 微波限幅器是一种功率调制器件,在小功率时,信号几乎无衰减地通过,但输入功率*到*值时,信号会产生很大衰减,这个值称为限幅器的门限电平。此后输入功率继续*,输出功率保持几乎恒定。它通常用于保护功率敏感元件,如安装在接收机的高频放大器和混频器之前,来保护它们不被强信号烧毁。此外,限幅器也常用于微波扫频信号源或相位检测系统中,使输出信号幅度保持稳定。 PIN limiter Diode and Receiver Protector Module Elite Microwave can provide solid-state limiters up to 70kW peak or 500W mean at X-and. Product offerings over all frequencies from L-Band to Ka-Band. Solid-state receiver protectors are particularly suitable for TWT applications. Receiver protectors isolate the sensitive receiver from the damaging levels of RF power present when the RF source tran*its. When this power is no longer present, they go into a low loss state, allowing the RF echoes to p* through to the receiver for amplification and detection. Model T*e Frequency (GHz) IL (dB) PAv (W) Ppeak (W) Leakage Power(mW) Recovery time (nS) Application / Connector T*e PIN Limiter Diodes ERPD011-134 0.01-18 2 100 ERPD021-134 0.01-18 4 400 ERPD022-134 0.01-18   3 200     ERPD031-134 0.01-18    5 800     ERPD032-134 0.01-18   3 600     ERPD101-134 0.01-18   4 900       ERPD301-134 0.01-18   5 1K       ERPD302-134 0.01-18   7 1.5K       ERPD401-132 0.01-18   10 2K   100   Receiver Protector Module ERP0102-1001 1.0-2.0 0.7 1.0 100 75 100 coaxial ERP0102-1003 1.0-2.0 0.9 3.0 1K 100 1000 coaxial ERP0208-1005 2.0-8.0 1.1 1.0 100 50 100 coaxial ERP0208-1007 2.0-8.0 1.3 3.0 1K 100 1000 coaxial ERP818-1009 8.0-18.0 1.8 1.0 100 50 100 coaxial ERP818-1011 8.0-18.0 2.3 3.0 1K 100 1000 coaxial ERP218-1013 2.0-18.0 2.0 1.0 100 50 100 coaxial ERP218-1014 2.0-18.0 2.2 2.0 500 75 250 coaxial ERP218-1015 2.0-18.0 2.3 3.0 1K 100 1000 coaxial ERP6710-000 0.5-18.0 2.5 2.0 100 100 flat/500 spike 100  military airborne ECCM/coaxial ERP1786 1.17-1.4 1.0 pulse 5K 50 flat/100 spike 1us coaxial ERP37058L 1.25-1.35 0.3 pulse 3000K 500 max 30us L-Band Pre-TR Tube ERP10820-11 2.7-2.9 0.5 400 4K 40 flat/400 spike  800 Land based radar/WG ERP9515S 2.9-3.1 0.7   30 40 flat/1W spike 10us S-Band with Atten.,WR284/SMA ERP1684 3.1-3.5 0.8 pulse 3K 50 flat/3000 spike 3us Coaxial ERP710 3.1-3.5 0.3 pulse 150K   10us S-Band TR Tube ERP10830-12 5.2-5.8 0.5  300 1.2 40 flat/250 spike  400 military shipborne radar/WG ERP218 5.4-5.9 0.6 pulse 1000K 10 flat/0.1 ergs 7us Dual C-Band TR Tube ERP10840-49 9.4-10.0 1.0  150 2K 20 flat / 50 spike  200 military shipborne radar/WG ERP10840-54 8.9-9.5 1.0 150 5k 25 flat/150 spike  800 military airborne radar/WG ERP95H 9.0-9.6 0.8 pulse 100K 60 flat/0.2 ergs 1.5us X-band TR Tube with Keep-alive ERP216 8.6-9.6 0.5 pulse 30K 300mW per side 1.5us Dual X-Band TR Tube ERP10840-43-WG X-band 1.3 20  500  30 flat  280 military airborne radar/WG ERP10840-43 X-band 1.5 2  40  30 flat  280 military airborne radar/coaxial ERP0004 13.7-14.3 0.8 20  50 25 flat/130 spike   70 missile / WG Monopulse Set 15.5-17.5 1.5   2.6K 200 flat/1W spike 1us Ku-Band Monopulse Set ERP10870-43D 33.8-34.4 1.3 15 130  15 flat /15 spike  75 military airborne radar / WG  ERP0001 35.0-35.6 1.2 5  30 30 flat /250 spike 100  military airborne radar / WG ERP0002-P 34.55-35.25 1.6   10K 75 flat 1us P*ive/ WR28 ERP0003-A 34.5-35.55 1.6   150 75 Flat/500 spike 0.6us SPST option,Active / WR28 ERP0003-P 34.5-35.55 1.6   800 75 Flat/500 spike 0.6us SPST option,Active / WR28 *all specifications are guaranteed @ 25°c *Other frequency bands & higher power are also available. *Detail consult the factory.     限幅器 Limiters   型 号 频率范围 f(GHz) 插 损Li (dB)max. 驻波比 VSWR 限幅电平 PL(mW) 承受功率 Pcw(W) 承受功率 Pp(W) 工作温度 TA(℃) HDL0118 1-18 2.0 2.0 10 1 100 -55~+85 HDL0102 1-2 0.5 1.5 10 10 1000 -55~+85 HDL0204 2-4 0.8 1.5 10 8 1000 -55~+85 HDL0408 4-8 1.2 1.5 10 5 800 -55~+85 HDL0818 8-18 2.0 1.9 10 3 500 -55~+85 HDL2731CG 2.7-3.1 1.0 1.6 10 100 1000 -55~+85 HDL2730SG 2.6-3.0 0.5 1.25 100 30 7000 -55~+85 HDL3035N* 3-3.5 0.8 1.25 10 3 45 -55~+85   * 为吸收式限幅器 ** 1μs脉宽,0.1%占空比。 说明: 表中所列为一些常规的通用功能限幅器。实际工作中,限幅器基本上都是为整机需要而专门设计的。针对不同的工作频率、需承受的微波功率、微波脉冲宽度、占空比、要求的接口形式等条件,限幅器的设计也千差万别。南京恒电公司为不同客户设计制作了不同频段、不同功率、不同工作模式的多种限幅器,具有丰富的经验。 在接收系统中,限幅器和低噪声放大器往往是同时使用的。南京恒电公司在这两方面都具有*的专长,因此将二者组合设计制造是我们的优势,这样不*可以简化系统结构,更可以*地*系统性能。     Products Guide RF / IF Components  Frequency mixers/limiters Combiners/splitters/phase shifters Amplifiers/phase detectors Attenuators/modulators Impedance matching pad Switches/terminations/bias tees Directional couplers/oscillators Filters/transformers Frequency doublers/RF choke Microwave Device Technology Corporation (MDT) Microwave Semiconductors Microwave Sources Doppler Transceivers P*ive Components XEMICS   Ultra low power microcontrollers--Data acquisition, sensor interface. Wireless receivers/transceivers--UHF, RF, and GPS solution. Portable audio ICs--Hearing aids, di*al microphones etc. Sensing applications ICs--Mixed-signal ICs Embedded microcontrollers and DSP 32-bit RISC core, DSP core, 8-bit  RISC. Ultra low power di*al libraries.   7LAYERS We keep you on the shortest test course to success for:   GERAN: GSM, GPRS, HSCSD, EDGE, SIM application toolkit, GSM-R,  ASCI, Location services Bluetooth WAP UMTS, IMT 2000, CDMA 2000 adHOC wireless communications technologies Salite, GPS, EG911 Short range devices INKODE Radio Frequency Technologies and System Solution   ID/Authentication Traking Auto ID Terminals/Readers Custom readers HEROTEK   Zero-bias schottky diode detectors 100 KHz to 40 GHz Tunnel diode detectors 0.1 to 40 GHz Microwave pulse/CW power monitors 1 to 18 GHz Pin diode limiters/switchs 0.5 to 18 GHz LP and LS series Step recovery diode comb(harmonic or impulse)generators Harmonic mixer 2 to 18 GHz Ferrite isolators and circulators 0.86 to 20 GHz(flange mount) Miniature wide band RF amplifiers     所提供的产品有滤波器、混频器、移相器、放大器、限幅器、振荡器、共鸣器、解调器、变压器、倍频器、检波器、感应器、联结器、组合器/分解器、匹配器、衰减器、谐振器、高频积层式芯片电感系列、 片形电容器、各类型二*管,并能提供电子磁芯材料、电介质、无线耳机模块和各种广泛用途的IC、芯片。同时也为客户设计提供技术咨询综合解决方案等相关服务。代理公司名单:Mini-Circuits 、Xemics、MicroMetrics、Xemics、Acx、Herotek、Inkode、Trans-Tech、CondorSystems、Alpha、Condor Systems等。 微波限幅器是一种功率调制器件,在小功率时,信号几乎无衰减地通过,但输入功率*到*值时,信号会产生很大衰减,这个值称为限幅器的门限电平。此后输入功率继续*,输出功率保持几乎恒定。它通常用于保护功率敏感元件,如安装在接收机的高频放大器和混频器之前,来保护它们不被强信号烧毁。此外,限幅器也常用于微波扫频信号源或相位检测系统中,使输出信号幅度保持稳定。 PIN limiter Diode and Receiver Protector Module Elite Microwave can provide solid-state limiters up to 70kW peak or 500W mean at X-and. Product offerings over all frequencies from L-Band to Ka-Band. Solid-state receiver protectors are particularly suitable for TWT applications. Receiver protectors isolate the sensitive receiver from the damaging levels of RF power present when the RF source tran*its. When this power is no longer present, they go into a low loss state, allowing the RF echoes to p* through to the receiver for amplification and detection. Model T*e Frequency (GHz) IL (dB) PAv (W) Ppeak (W) Leakage Power(mW) Recovery time (nS) Application / Connector T*e PIN Limiter Diodes ERPD011-134 0.01-18 2 100 ERPD021-134 0.01-18 4 400 ERPD022-134 0.01-18   3 200     ERPD031-134 0.01-18    5 800     ERPD032-134 0.01-18   3 600     ERPD101-134 0.01-18   4 900       ERPD301-134 0.01-18   5 1K       ERPD302-134 0.01-18   7 1.5K       ERPD401-132 0.01-18   10 2K   100   Receiver Protector Module ERP0102-1001 1.0-2.0 0.7 1.0 100 75 100 coaxial ERP0102-1003 1.0-2.0 0.9 3.0 1K 100 1000 coaxial ERP0208-1005 2.0-8.0 1.1 1.0 100 50 100 coaxial ERP0208-1007 2.0-8.0 1.3 3.0 1K 100 1000 coaxial ERP818-1009 8.0-18.0 1.8 1.0 100 50 100 coaxial ERP818-1011 8.0-18.0 2.3 3.0 1K 100 1000 coaxial ERP218-1013 2.0-18.0 2.0 1.0 100 50 100 coaxial ERP218-1014 2.0-18.0 2.2 2.0 500 75 250 coaxial ERP218-1015 2.0-18.0 2.3 3.0 1K 100 1000 coaxial ERP6710-000 0.5-18.0 2.5 2.0 100 100 flat/500 spike 100  military airborne ECCM/coaxial ERP1786 1.17-1.4 1.0 pulse 5K 50 flat/100 spike 1us coaxial ERP37058L 1.25-1.35 0.3 pulse 3000K 500 max 30us L-Band Pre-TR Tube ERP10820-11 2.7-2.9 0.5 400 4K 40 flat/400 spike  800 Land based radar/WG ERP9515S 2.9-3.1 0.7   30 40 flat/1W spike 10us S-Band with Atten.,WR284/SMA ERP1684 3.1-3.5 0.8 pulse 3K 50 flat/3000 spike 3us Coaxial ERP710 3.1-3.5 0.3 pulse 150K   10us S-Band TR Tube ERP10830-12 5.2-5.8 0.5  300 1.2 40 flat/250 spike  400 military shipborne radar/WG ERP218 5.4-5.9 0.6 pulse 1000K 10 flat/0.1 ergs 7us Dual C-Band TR Tube ERP10840-49 9.4-10.0 1.0  150 2K 20 flat / 50 spike  200 military shipborne radar/WG ERP10840-54 8.9-9.5 1.0 150 5k 25 flat/150 spike  800 military airborne radar/WG ERP95H 9.0-9.6 0.8 pulse 100K 60 flat/0.2 ergs 1.5us X-band TR Tube with Keep-alive ERP216 8.6-9.6 0.5 pulse 30K 300mW per side 1.5us Dual X-Band TR Tube ERP10840-43-WG X-band 1.3 20  500  30 flat  280 military airborne radar/WG ERP10840-43 X-band 1.5 2  40  30 flat  280 military airborne radar/coaxial ERP0004 13.7-14.3 0.8 20  50 25 flat/130 spike   70 missile / WG Monopulse Set 15.5-17.5 1.5   2.6K 200 flat/1W spike 1us Ku-Band Monopulse Set ERP10870-43D 33.8-34.4 1.3 15 130  15 flat /15 spike  75 military airborne radar / WG  ERP0001 35.0-35.6 1.2 5  30 30 flat /250 spike 100  military airborne radar / WG ERP0002-P 34.55-35.25 1.6   10K 75 flat 1us P*ive/ WR28 ERP0003-A 34.5-35.55 1.6   150 75 Flat/500 spike 0.6us SPST option,Active / WR28 ERP0003-P 34.5-35.55 1.6   800 75 Flat/500 spike 0.6us SPST option,Active / WR28 *all specifications are guaranteed @ 25°c *Other frequency bands & higher power are also available. *Detail consult the factory.     限幅器 Limiters   型 号 频率范围 f(GHz) 插 损Li (dB)max. 驻波比 VSWR 限幅电平 PL(mW) 承受功率 Pcw(W) 承受功率 Pp(W) 工作温度 TA(℃) HDL0118 1-18 2.0 2.0 10 1 100 -55~+85 HDL0102 1-2 0.5 1.5 10 10 1000 -55~+85 HDL0204 2-4 0.8 1.5 10 8 1000 -55~+85 HDL0408 4-8 1.2 1.5 10 5 800 -55~+85 HDL0818 8-18 2.0 1.9 10 3 500 -55~+85 HDL2731CG 2.7-3.1 1.0 1.6 10 100 1000 -55~+85 HDL2730SG 2.6-3.0 0.5 1.25 100 30 7000 -55~+85 HDL3035N* 3-3.5 0.8 1.25 10 3 45 -55~+85   * 为吸收式限幅器 ** 1μs脉宽,0.1%占空比。 说明: 表中所列为一些常规的通用功能限幅器。实际工作中,限幅器基本上都是为整机需要而专门设计的。针对不同的工作频率、需承受的微波功率、微波脉冲宽度、占空比、要求的接口形式等条件,限幅器的设计也千差万别。南京恒电公司为不同客户设计制作了不同频段、不同功率、不同工作模式的多种限幅器,具有丰富的经验。 在接收系统中,限幅器和低噪声放大器往往是同时使用的。南京恒电公司在这两方面都具有*的专长,因此将二者组合设计制造是我们的优势,这样不*可以简化系统结构,更可以*地*系统性能。     Products Guide RF / IF Components  Frequency mixers/limiters Combiners/splitters/phase shifters Amplifiers/phase detectors Attenuators/modulators Impedance matching pad Switches/terminations/bias tees Directional couplers/oscillators Filters/transformers Frequency doublers/RF choke Microwave Device Technology Corporation (MDT) Microwave Semiconductors Microwave Sources Doppler Transceivers P*ive Components XEMICS   Ultra low power microcontrollers--Data acquisition, sensor interface. Wireless receivers/transceivers--UHF, RF, and GPS solution. Portable audio ICs--Hearing aids, di*al microphones etc. Sensing applications ICs--Mixed-signal ICs Embedded microcontrollers and DSP 32-bit RISC core, DSP core, 8-bit  RISC. Ultra low power di*al libraries.   7LAYERS We keep you on the shortest test course to success for:   GERAN: GSM, GPRS, HSCSD, EDGE, SIM application toolkit, GSM-R,  ASCI, Location services Bluetooth WAP UMTS, IMT 2000, CDMA 2000 adHOC wireless communications technologies Salite, GPS, EG911 Short range devices INKODE Radio Frequency Technologies and System Solution   ID/Authentication Traking Auto ID Terminals/Readers Custom readers HEROTEK   Zero-bias schottky diode detectors 100 KHz to 40 GHz Tunnel diode detectors 0.1 to 40 GHz Microwave pulse/CW power monitors 1 to 18 GHz Pin diode limiters/switchs 0.5 to 18 GHz LP and LS series Step recovery diode comb(harmonic or impulse)generators Harmonic mixer 2 to 18 GHz Ferrite isolators and circulators 0.86 to 20 GHz(flange mount) Miniature wide band RF amplifiers    

PIN limiter Diode and Receiver Protector Module
