? Unique quick-connecting demand valve, supplies the air automatically when connected to the mask ? Small and light, good down vision ? Comfortable breathing, maximum supply flow rate is higher than 450L/MIN, always keeping a positive pressure in the mask c850霍尼韦尔空气呼吸器honeywell 减压器 Pressure Reducer 结构简单*,压力补给型,保持中压循环系统中的持续压力(7巴)及流量(>450升/分钟) 可扩展型,能接单瓶或双瓶 配有泄压*阀,当中压回路中压力大于11巴时自动泄压,*使用者* 配有便捷式手轮,用于装卸气瓶 配有他救接口,可接面罩式通风头罩,供*第二方时呼吸用。 ? Simple structure, keeps the Medium Pressure system at 7 bars ? Special design, able to accept 2 cylinders ? Safety valve, to ensure that the pressure of the MP hose is always lower than 7 bars ? Additional “buddy breather”: can be equipped with two masks for rescuing an endangered person Luxfer professional carbon cylinder