
地区:上海 上海市



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• 贯穿轴,低转速
• 减速比: i = 1:1 至 6:1
• *大输出扭矩至 T2 max = 5400 Nm
• 9个减速机尺寸,从边长35至 350 mm
- Continuous shaft, slow running
- Tran*ission ratios: i = 1:1 to 6:1
- Max. output torque up to T2 max = 5400 Nm
- 11gear unit sizes from 35 to350 mm edge length

• 贯穿轴,高转速
• 减速比: i = 1,5:1 和 2:1
• *大输出扭矩至 T2 N = 650 Nm
• 6个减速机尺寸,从边长 090 至 260 mm
- Continuous shaft fast running
- Tran*ission ratios: i = 1.5:1 und 2:1
- Rated output torque up to T2 N = 650 Nm
- 6 gear unit sizes from 090 to 260 mm edge length


• 驱动端配有电机外壳和空心轴
• 可与IEC标准电机匹配
• 贯穿轴,低转速
• 减速比、扭矩和尺寸同V型产品
- Drive end with motor bell housing and hollow shaft
- Compartible for installation of IEC standard motor
- Continuous shaft, slow running
- Tran*issionratios, torques and sizes like t*e V

• 配有IEC标准电机
• 输出转速 112 至 2850 min-1
• *大输出扭矩至 T2 max = Nm
- With IEC standard motor
- Output speed 112 to 2850 min-1
- Max. output torque up to T2 max = 5400 Nm

多轴减速机 / Multi shaft gearboxes
• 减速比从1.5至6:1(V型)
• 减速比从1.5至2:1(VS型)
• 配有实心或空心轴
• 轴端多达6个
- for ratios from 1.5 to 6:1 for t*e V
- for ratios from 1.5 to 2:1 for t*e VS
- with solid shaft or hollow shaft
- up to 6 shaft ends


• 与伺服电机匹配的锥形减速机
• 驱动侧配方形法兰和紧固联轴器
• 贯通轴,低转速
• 减速比:i=1:1至6:1
• 加速扭矩至T2B=700 Nm
• *小圆周尺侧间隙
• 高扭转刚度
• 6个减速机尺寸,边长65至200 mm
• 输入转速*n1=6000 min-1
- Bevel gearboxes compartible for installation on servo motors
- Drive end with square flange and clamping coupling
- Continuous shaft, slow running
- Tran*ission ratios: i = 1:1 to 6:1
- Acceleration torques up to T2B = 700 Nm
- Minimum circumferential backlash
- High torsional rigidity
- 6 gear unit sizes from 065 to 200 mm edge length
- Input speeds up to n1 = 6.000 1 / min

• 与伺服电机匹配的锥形减速机
• 驱动侧配方形法兰和紧固联轴器
• *率
• 减速比:i=5:1至26:1(i>26时请咨询)
• 加速扭矩至T2B=1100 Nm
• *小圆周尺侧间隙
• 高扭转刚度
• 5个减速机尺寸,中心矩40至100 mm
• 输入转速*n1=6800 1/min
- Worm gearboxes compartible for installation on servo motors
- Drive end with square flange and clamping coupling
- High efficiency
- Tran*ission ratios: i = 5:1 bis 26:1 (i > 26 please ask)
- Acceleration torques bis T2B = 1100 Nm
- Minimum circumferential backlash
- High torsional rigidity
- 5 gear unit sizes from 040 to 100 mm centre distance
- Input speeds up to n1 = 6.800 1 / min


• 自由驱动和输出轴

• 额定减速比: i = 05:1 至 83:1
• *大输出扭矩达 T2 max = Nm
- Free drive and output shafts
- 9 from axle base sizes a = 040 to 250 mm
- Nominal tran*ission ratios: i = 05:1 to 83:1
- Max. output torque up to T2 max = 113Nm

• 驱动端配有电机罩和联轴器
• 可与IEC标准电机匹配
• 9个中心距尺寸 a = 040 至 250
• 减速比和扭矩同S型产品
- Drive side with motor latern and coupling
- Compartible for installation on IEC standard motor
- 9 from axle base sizes a = 040 to 250 mm
- ratios and torques like t*e S


• 配有IEC标准电机
• 输出转速 为 8 至 555 min-1
• *大输出扭矩达 T2max =13720 Nm
• 9个中心距尺寸 a = 040 至 250mm
- With IEC standard motor
- Output speed 8 - 555 min-1
- Max. output torque up to T2 max = 13720 Nm
- 9 axle base sizes from a = 040 to 200 mm


Double Worm Gearboxes
• - 可对S、SL、SLM和SLC型产品进行组合
• - 9个标准组合尺寸
• - 减速比可达6890:1
• - 输出转速0.1至8 min-1
- Connection gearbox like as t*e S, SL, SLM and SLC available
- 9 standard combinations size available
- for tran*ission ratios up to 6890:1
- Output speed 0,1 to 8 min-1


