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ORGA防爆灯L450-63A-63B-40(-G) ORGA防爆灯L450-63A-63B-HR(-G)
ORGA防爆灯L450-63A-63C(-G) ORGA防爆灯L450-63A-GFW(-G)

2921的产品和服务质量的一个重要的基本属性。我们的质量管理的重点不仅是产品的质量,而且为实现它的手段。我们不断监测我们的管理,生产和检验程序,以确保适合为目的的产品和系统,以提高效率和可靠性。我们的质量管理体系,采用内部审计,客户满意度的反馈和管理检讨,以监察我们如何实现我们的质量目标。我们满意的客户继续选择我们的竞争对手。这显示了信任,他们在帮助他们实现自己的目标,通过可靠,符合成本效益的产品和支持服务,我们始终如一地提供我们的产品质量。我们的质量保证体系,是由荷兰认证机构认可的ISO 9001:2008 KEMA的KEMA还证实2921按照ATEX 94/9/EC指令和欧洲标准EN13980的防爆电气设备的生产。此授权我们生产设备和保护系统的组成部分,在潜在**性气体环境中使用。点击这里查看我们的ISO 9001:2008证书,点击这里查看我们的的质量Asurance通知04ATEXQ3267
ORGA的产品均符合海上作业安全操作证书,ORGA一直致力于为海上和岸上的安全工作提供可靠有效的解决方案。我们为石油和天然气行业提供导航解决方案,为航空领域提供智能照明系统,并依据客户的要求定制,设计和生产经过认证的防爆产品。我们对于客户来说是有经验和值得信赖的合作伙伴,并为我们所取得的声誉感到自豪。 一直都是我们公司的优势产品,专为中石油、中海油、西部钻探配套
奥尔加超过30年前开始作为电气服务和北海海洋石油和天然气平台上工作的维修公司。虽然检查和维修安装海洋灯笼,雾角,航空障碍灯,直流电源系统和防爆电气设备,该公司开发的思路和创新的产品后一个时期,以改善这些对增强安全性和降低经营费用,促进系统 --的可靠性。超过10多年的产品开发2921于1985年开始制造他们自己的产品范围。安装2921系统当中第一个客户是不结盟运动在荷兰和壳牌在英国和马来西亚的运营公司(壳牌/埃索)。紧接着他们为榜样,大部分主要的石油和工程公司。今天,2921是一个在开发和制造最先进的国家的危险警告灯,雷达响应灯塔,雾笛,雾探测器和许多其他的世界领先地位导航设备,以及照明,太阳能供电系统和防爆解决方案,为客户提供航空,海上和石化工业。
CIP100 - 控制面板


CIP200 - 控制面板


GPS020 - 控制面板


同步器单元2921障碍灯闪烁字符的时机,以协调对不同的结构,因此同样具备所有灯同时闪烁。使用嵌入式2921主管控制技术作为后盾,从全 --球卫星定位系统的信息
MLM26 - 控制面板


弱光控制和监测装置在2921 CIP100,CIP200和CIP300控制器的系统中使用的一个紧凑的单元
JBX020 - 系统模块


L1000-XXX - 高强度照明


L330 - 低强度


红色固定可靠的夜原地踏步的结构,目前在根据英国CAP168 B型,危害航空障碍灯采用先进的LED和光学技术的好处,以满足最苛刻的应用的挑战
L303EX-C H11-300 - 海事灯笼


L303EX-C H20-300 - 海事灯笼


L303EX R-H--20-055 - 海事灯笼


L304EX - C-400 - 海洋灯笼


L303FM-C 20国集团的300 - 海事灯笼


L303FM-R - G20-055 - 海洋灯笼


L304EX - C-400 - 海洋灯笼


L310EX R-03 - 海洋灯笼


L310EX的W-10 - 海洋灯笼


FH800(3)EX的(-SS)的 - 雾笛


FH800(3)SA(-SS)的 - 雾笛


AOL50EX-XXX - 海上航空照明



Customer value as a trustworthy and 2921 experienced partners, we are proud of our reputation.

Olga is in the country's most advanced hazard warning lights, radar beacon response, fog horn, mist detector and many other navigation equipment development and manufacturing of the world leading position, and lighting, solar power supply system and air explosion protection solutions for customers, Marine and petrochemical industry. The company continuously improve product technology, through the cooperation with customers to develop dedicated to meet the requirements of their system. Innovative technology and professional knowledge of the use of full-time staff, is crucial to the success of the 2921. Provide innovative, begin to understand our customers and the challanges, the concept of translation has been into the cost effective products.

2921 product and service quality is an important basic properties. Our focus is not only the quality of the product quality management, and to achieve it. We constantly monitor our management, the production and inspection procedures, to ensure that suitable for products and systems for the purpose of, in order to improve the efficiency and reliability. Our quality management system, using the internal audit, customer satisfaction, feedback and management review, to monitor how we achieve our quality objectives. Our satisfied customers continue to choose our competitor. It shows that the trust, in helping them achieve their goals, through reliable, cost-effective products and support services, we consistently provide the quality of our products. Our quality assurance system, is by the Dutch accreditation bodies recognized by ISO 9001:2008 KEMA KEMA also confirmed in accordance with ATEX directive 94/9 / EC and 2921 European standard EN13980 explosion-proof electrical equipment of the production. This authorization part of our production equipment and protection system, used in potentially explosive gas environment. Click here to see our ISO 9001:2008 certificate, click here to see our quality Asurance 04 atexq3267 notice

Our internal product manufacturing concept, to ensure that we provide the high quality of products, time and the right the first time. We recently more than doubled our production, our production facilities, including more than 2000 square meters, and has set up a flexible work process and lean production unit, to maximize production efficiency. We use the kanban concept, in order to ensure the continuity of raw material supply, and provide the excellent products availability and response. We manufacture a wide range of standard products, in addition, we have a team of engineers and production experts, they focus on customization of products and systems.

ORGA products are conform to the offshore safety operation certificate, ORGA has been committed to work for the safety of offshore and onshore to provide reliable and efficient solutions. We provide navigation solutions for oil and gas industry, and provides the intelligent lighting system for aviation, and according to customer requirements, design and production of explosion-proof products certified. We are experienced for customers and trustworthy partner, and take pride in our reputation of. Has always been our company's advantage products, designed for petrochina, cnooc, the western drilling

Olga began as electrical services for more than 30 years ago and the north sea offshore oil and gas platforms work maintenance company. Although inspection and maintenance to install Marine lanterns, horn, aviation obstacle lights, dc power supply system and explosion-proof electrical equipment, the company developed the ideas and innovation of the product after a period, in order to improve these to enhance safety and reduce operating costs, promote the reliability of the system. More than 10 years of product development from 2921 to 1985 began to make their own product range. Install 2921 system of the non-aligned movement is the first customer in the Netherlands and shell in the UK and Malaysia's operating company (shell and esso). Followed their example, most of the major oil and engineering companies. Today, 2921 is an in developing and manufacturing the most advanced countries the hazard warning lights, radar beacon response, fog horn, mist detector and many other world leading navigation equipment, and lighting, solar power supply system and explosion protection solutions, providing customers with aviation, Marine and petrochemical industry.

CIP100 - control panel

Obstruction light system controller

Controller can be programmed for 2921 medium strength small obstacle lights system, provide a full system operation management, status information and diagnosis, and after the installation is complete, according to different system configurations

CIP200 - control panel

Obstruction light system controller

2921 high strength and moderate intensity obstacle lights system, including system combining with all kinds of different types of lamp USES the controller. The CIP200 provides full system operation and management, the advanced control equipment, state information, historical data and system diagnosis

GPS020 - control panel

Synchronizer obstruction light system

Synchronizer unit 2921 obstacle lights flashing the timing of the characters, to coordinate the structure of different, so also have all the lights flashing at the same time. Using embedded 2921 head control technology as the backing, information from all - ball positioning system

MLM26 - control panel

Marker light control panel

Weak light control and monitoring devices in 2921 CIP100, CIP200 and CIP300 controller of the system used in one compact unit

JBX020 - system module

High, moderate light box series

JBX020 junction box 2921 high strength and moderate intensity obstacle lamp light system is to use a compact unit

L1000 - XXX - high intensity of illumination

High intensity obstacle lights

White for reliable, day and night time, marked the tall buildings, puts forward a kind of harm aviation obstruction light flashing. Advanced xenon flash and system control technology, the benefits of challenges in order to satisfy the most demanding applications

L330 - low intensity

Low intensity obstacle lights

Red fixed reliable night marking time structure, is currently in according to the British CAP168 type B, endanger aviation obstacle lamp adopts advanced LED and the advantages of optical technology, the challenge to meet the most demanding applications

L303EX H11-300 - C - maritime lanterns

Explosion-proof independent Marine lights (10 nm)

Explosion-proof Marine lanterns, aims to provide maritime structure of white omni-directional vision covers 10 nm

H20 L303EX - C - 300 - maritime lanterns

Explosion-proof Marine lanterns (10 nm)

Explosion-proof Marine lanterns, aims to provide the omni-directional visual white covers 10 nm. Offshore structures and connect to the 2921 navigation (NCCP), the concept of the central control panel

L303EX 20-055 - R - H - maritime lantern

Explosion-proof subsidiary Marine lanterns (3 nm)

Marine lanterns, explosion-proof subsidiary aims to provide 3 nm red omni-directional vision coverage. Offshore structures and connect to the 2921 navigation (NCCP), the concept of the central control panel.

L304EX - C - 400 - sea lantern

Main Marine explosion-proof lanterns (15 nm)

Explosion-proof Marine lanterns, mainly aims to provide 15 miles, covered in white omni-directional vision. Offshore structures and connect to the 2921 navigation (NCCP), the concept of the central control panel

L303FM - the group of 20, 300 - C maritime lantern

Explosion-proof Marine lanterns (10 nm, 2)

Marine lanterns, aims to provide the omni-directional visual white covers 10 nm. Offshore structures and connect to the 2921 navigation (NCCP), the concept of the central control panel.

L303FM - R - the G20-055 - Marine lanterns

Explosion-proof subsidiary Marine lanterns (3 nm, 2)

Subsidiary of Marine lanterns, aims to provide 3 nm red omni-directional vision coverage. Offshore structures and connect to the 2921 navigation (NCCP), the concept of the central control panel.

L304EX - C - 400 - sea lantern

Main Marine explosion-proof lanterns (15 nm)

Explosion-proof Marine lanterns, mainly aims to provide 15 miles, covered in white omni-directional vision. Offshore structures and connect to the 2921 navigation (NCCP), the concept of the central control panel

L310EX R - 03 - Marine lanterns

Marine explosion-proof LED lantern (3 nm)

Marine lanterns, explosion-proof subsidiary aims to provide 3 nm red all-round maritime structure of the visual coverage. Design, has a long service life, light emitting diode, make our products an ideal environment, easy to install and maintain long time interval.

L310EX W - 10 - Marine lanterns

Explosion-proof LED the main Marine lanterns (10 nm)

Main Marine explosion-proof lantern provides 10 nautical miles offshore structure, covered in white omni-directional vision. Design, has a long service life, light emitting diode, make our products an ideal environment, easy to install and maintain long time interval.

FH800 (3) the EX - fog horn (SS)

ORGA防爆辅助海洋灯笼Explosion-proof fog horn

Explosion-proof fog horn, aims to provide omni-directional coverage 2 nautical miles. Offshore structures, and in the DGSM international beacon association and regulatory requirements

FH800 SA (SS) - (3) - fog horn

Fog horn

Fog horn, aims to provide a comprehensive range to cover 2 nautical miles. Offshore structures, and in the DGSM international beacon association and regulatory requirements

AOL50EX - XXX - naval aviation lighting

Explosion proof low intensity aviation obstruction light (50) CD

Explosion proof low intensity aviation obstacle lamp, in order to meet the regulatory requirements of 437 and the international civil aviation organization. Made of stainless steel and glass design, to meet the harsh Marine environment conditions

ORGA障碍灯L450-63A-63C-HR(-G) ORGA航空障碍灯LED L303-XXX
ORGA防爆灯L450-63A(-G) ORGA障碍灯 ORGA防爆灯L450-63A-63B(-G)





