
地区:广东 广州



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The profession is provided to meet an emergency light storage battery and meets an emergency a main model number of light storage battery to contain 6 N4s, the electric voltage is a 6 Vs, capacity is 4 AHs, meet an emergency a light with the fire fight among them and then hold t*e lamp of basic is in general use t*e storage battery, this trading company sells to meet an emergency light storage battery capacity absolutely enough, what battery inner part use is Gao Chun Du's lead material, have no any supplementary fill material, currently market circulate of meet an emergency light storage battery parts of capacity are very not enough, the weight doesn't reach a mark as well, and the storage battery internal both sides across gl*;This circumstance is disallow, the storage battery life span expects to lower to be not only behind and also makes to meet an emergency time to lower consumedly, any purchases in our company of meet an emergency light storage battery capacity all after strict examination, can examine parameter to provide the customer with the reference on the scene.
如需了解更多关于牵引型、储能型、UPS应急电源、汽车起动型、发电机蓄电池相关信息  请登陆我司官网:https://www.ccsopower.com





