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德国LIK杠杆浮球式是利用浮力原理和杠杆原理,通过液位的变化使浮球上升或下降,浮球驱动着杠杆使得阀瓣离开或接触阀座*开启排水和关闭阻汽的作用。采用自动排空气阀,能自动排除不凝结气体,*灵敏,工作质量高,使用寿命长。连续排水,有水即排,*小过冷度为 0℃。杠杆浮球式疏水阀采用两种结构方式 A:单阀座-杠杆浮球; B:双平衡阀座-杠杆浮球。



Lever-ball float trap

The lever-ball float t*e trap employs the buoyancy and leverage principles: to make the ball float ascend or descend by the change in the liquid level and then the ball float drives the lever to make the valve disc depart from or touch the valve seat to realize drainage and close the block vapor. The product adopts the automatic air exhaust to automatically eliminate non-condensing air. It is very precise with high operating quality and long service life. It can discharge whe* there is any water, and its minimum subcooled temperature is 0. The lever- ball float trap adopts two kinds of structure modes: A: Single valve seat-lever ball float; B: double balanced valve seat-lever ball float.

Single valve seat: it needs to overcome the operation on the valve seat by the medium pressure; the hole caliber of the valve seat cannot be too large and is applicable to such low displacement condition as mini-equipment, steam tracing pipeline and steam main pipe. The hole of the valve seat is designed beneath the water level of the condensate water to form water sealing to keep water apart from vapor, so as to prevent the leakage of the vapor. Though there is no condensate water that uses ball-t*e sealed lever to make the valve clack tightly adhesion to the valve seat, it can prevent the fresh vapor from leakage. Further, the product is free of the affect of the fluctuation of the condensate water’s quantity and temperature.

The double balanced valve seat: this valve is designed to have two valve openings. The pressure of the medium act against the two valve seats equally in reverse direction, so the pressure on the valve seat is offset, the valve core *umes relatively low pressure when the valve is open, in this way the overlarge displacement is obtained. During the operating process, the ball float floats with the change in liquid level of the valve cavity to make the lever open or close the valve seat. The hole of the valve seat is designed beneath the water level of the condensate water to form water sealing to keep water apart from vapor, so as to prevent the leakage of the vapor. Further, the product is free of the affect caused by the fluctuation of pressure, temperature and condensate’s flow.






