地区:浙江 温州
RW11-10/100A跌落式熔断器RW11-10/200A熔断器 联系人:*总 联系电话: 联系手机: 一、RW11-10/100A概述 跌落式熔断器及拉负荷跌落式熔断器是户外高压保护电器。它装置在配电变压器高压侧或配电线支干线路上、用作变压器和线路的短路、过载保护及分、合负荷电流。跌落式熔断器由*缘支架和熔丝管二部分组成,静触头安装在*缘支架两端,动触头安装在熔丝管两端,熔丝管由内层的消弧管和外层的酚醛纸管或环氧玻璃布管组成。拉负荷跌落式熔断器增强弹性辅助触头及灭弧罩,用以分,合负荷电流。 跌落式熔断器在正常运行时,熔丝管借助熔丝张紧后形成闭合位置。当系统发生故障时,故障电流时熔丝*熔断,并形成电弧,消弧管受电弧灼热,分解出大量的气体,使馆内形成很高压力,并沿管道形成纵吹,电弧被*拉长而熄灭。熔丝熔断后,下部动触头失去张力二下翻,锁紧机械,释放熔丝管,熔丝管跌落,形成明显的开断位置。当需要拉负荷时,用*缘杆拉开动触头,此时主动、静动触头仍然接触,继续用*缘杆拉动触头,辅助触头也分离,在辅助触头之间产生电弧,电弧在灭罩狭缝中被拉长,同时灭弧罩产生气体,在电流过*时,将电弧熄灭。 二、RW11-10/100A用途 户外跌落式熔断器适用于35kv及以下电压频率50Hz电力系统中,作输电线路、电力变压器过载和短路保护,分合额定负荷电流只用,机械寿命≥2000次。RW11-10/200A 三、RW11-10/100A使用条件 1.适用于环境温度上限40℃,下限-30℃之内。RW11-10/200A 2.海拔不*过1000m,风速不大于35m/sRW11-10/200A 3.熔断器不适用于下述场所 3.1有燃料或*危险的场所。RW11-10/200A 3.2有剧烈震动或冲击的场所。RW11-10/200A 3.3有异电化学气体作用及严重空气污秽,烟雾地区。RW11-10/200A 四、RW11-10/100A结构简介 熔断器是由基座和消弧装置两大部分组成,灭弧管下端装有可能转动的弹簧支架,*使熔丝处于紧张状态,以*灭弧管在合闸位置的自锁,线路与变压器过载或短路中,熔丝熔断,熔丝*从灭弧管中抽出,灭弧管设计为逐级排气式解决在同一熔断器上开断大小电流的矛盾。 英文翻译: But now I am in anticipation of spring is coming, I have a heart with joy and sorrow, last year the familiar voice also would ring? Last year's spring very lets a person enjoy, is in this spring I room added a little angry, it is father bought from market a kingfisher. It has very vivid colors, head of the feathers like olive head scarf, embroidered with emerald decorative pattern. Kingfisher soon and I became good elder brothers, I gave it the name "warm" song. Temperature with it every day of the song "ChenQu" wake me up, whe* I'm sad, temperature on own initiative will dance for I see, it looks very funny. Although it is usually a pair of gentle and quiet kind, makes the eyes when at the blinking, like a steal to *ile the stars; The mouth of a sip a ones, such as singing jilt green song; Feather a violent * of a violent *, like the trends of the waves. Who see the funny's not happy? And so, we laughing spent more than a month, but good day always not long. I clearly remember the more moderate sunlight that day. Morning, temperature song not to call me get up, I thought it tease me, intentionally let me "lie-ins", that is on the weekend. I still as usual to feed it for breakfast, but I no matter how to say it would not eat. Then I stumbled song coat no usual temperature so bright, eyes filled with depression and sad. I suddenly think of my mother once said, the temperature of the song in the stream on the walls of the house. "Warm, whether you want to song home?" I said softly. When a song temperature blink eyes. "That I take you home?" I stillhad temperature song, but I don't want to let the temperature is so sad song. After all, it is to belong to the nature. Afternoon, mother took both of us came to the country, find a fish, reed stem more streams, I and temperature song kiss for a while and parting. "If you want to us! We will come back a always welcome you! If you want to me, you are ready to come back for me, my world for you keep spring!" I cry to yell. Wen song looked back my one eye, the shout loudly 1, will fly away. That day, I did not eat anything, always to the balcony of the sky in a daze, total hope to see the figure of temperature songs, but I hope failed. The blink of an eye and a spring is coming, and I started to warm the song thoughts, I often think, temperature song now have good? It to forget me not, and, if not, why hasn't come to see me? Wen song, no matter what, or winter or spring, as long as you want to me all the time to return to the warm home! My world for you keep spring! |