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龙工叉车电瓶使用前,应该*地充满电,需要循环充放电多次以达至*高容量,在这段期间,叉车蓄电池容量暂时未**佳状态,lonking叉车蓄电池接线应该是完整*,并且要与蓄电池接线头紧紧联系。龙工叉车蓄电池主要分为两大类:158宽VBS和198宽PZS牵引用铅酸蓄电池系列;采用*的优质聚丙烯蓄电池槽、盖、*叉车蓄电池的耐冲击性能;lonking蓄电池组是由铅和铅的氧化物构成,电解液是*的水溶液。它的主要优点是电压稳定、价格便宜;一种能量储存装置,*须先将电能储存到电池中;龙工叉车蓄电池用来补充的液体,应该是纯蒸馏水。*注意要避免有金属杂质混于蒸馏水内。为达至蓄电池*佳寿命,当电池容量消耗80%以后建议*使用。龙工叉车电瓶采用适当容量的电池能有助避免其过度放电。用正确充电器与电池之充电时间正常大约为8个小时。规格不*的充电器会严重地损坏或降低蓄电池的寿命。正*骨架合金应用精心研制的合金配方,*其耐腐蚀性能,延长产品的使用寿命;具有国际*水平的条纶排管、*缘护套,以格板包封*板的方式,*地*爆管、刺穿隔板及电池槽底部积粉等容易造成叉车蓄电池短路现象,从而提*品的*性,延长电池的使用寿命。Long industrial forklift battery before use, should be completely filled, need to charge / discharge cycles many times in order to achieve the highest capacity, during this period, forklift battery capacity temporarily does not reach the optimal state, lonking forklift battery wiring should be intact, and with the battery terminal connection. Long industrial forklift battery is mainly divided into two categories:158VBS wide and 198PZS wide lead-acid traction batteries series; imported high quality pol*ropylene battery slot cover, guarantee, forklift battery impact resistance performance; lonking battery is made of lead and lead oxide, electrolytic solution is a solution of water. It is the main advantage of voltage stability, the price is cheap; an energy storage device, it must first be electrical energy stored in a battery; long industrial forklift battery used to supplement the liquid, should be pure distilled water. Particular attention is paid to avoid metal impurities mixed in distilled water. As to the * life of battery, when the battery capacity consumption in 80% after the proposal is no longer in use. Long industrial forklift battery using appropriate capacity battery can help to avoid the excessive discharge. Use the correct charger and battery charging time is about 8hours. Specification of the charger can seriously damage or reduce the battery life. Cathode skeleton alloy application carefully developed alloy formula, improves the corrosion resistance, prolong the service life of the product; with the international advanced level of terylene calandria, an insulating sheath, with a grid plate sealing plate, effectively prevent the detonation tube, pierce separator and battery slot bottom product powder is easy to cause the forklift battery short circuit phenomenon, thereby providing the product reliability, prolong the service life of the cell.



