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品牌:银月 型号:6900 测量范围:标准(MPa) 适用介质:标准 额定出口压力:标准(MPa) 额定流量:标准(m3/h) 用途:氧气减压器 结构:单级式 工作原理:正作用式 环境温度:130(℃) 装箱数:标准


The Model 6900 is designed for the measurement of gas mixtures produced in the industrial gas industry. The *yzer is designed to quickly (3 - 5 minutes) *yze a gas cylinder, without the use of calibration standards, wet chemicals, or special knowledge of gas *ysis instrumentation. The *yzer is designed so that it may be used directly in the cylinder-filling environment.

The *yzer may also be used to check gas-mixing systems in the field. If desired. The *yzer may be run continuously as an on-stream *yzer. A linear 4-20 mA output is available on all ranges.

The *yzer use's Thermco's patented thermal conductivity detector/microprocessor technology to directly readout numerous mixtures created for the welding, heat treating, and food packaging industries.

The *yzer contains 9 ranges, which are selected with the push buttons on the front of the *yzer. All 9 ranges are factories calibrated. A custom ranges for calibration by the user us also available.



  • 0-100% Carbon Dioxide in Argon
  • 0-100% Oxygen in Argon
  • 0-100% Helium in Argon
  • 0-100% Hydrogen in Argon
  • 0-100% Nitrogen in Argon
  • 0-100% Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen
  • 0-100% Helium in Nitrogen
  • 0-100% Hydrogen in Nitrogen
  • Custom Range


Valid over 50º F to 90º F(10ºC to 32ºC) ambient temperature conditions.

&plu*n;0.3% of minor component over range of 0-10.1%, all ranges.
Example:for a 5% O2in Ar mixture, the *ysis will be between 4.7 and 5.3% O2.

&plu*n;0.5% of minor component over a range of 10.1 % to 30.0%, all ranges.
Example:for a 25% CO2in N2mixture, the *ysis will be between 24.5 % and 25.5 % CO2.

&plu*n;2% of minor component over a range of 60.1% to 100.0%, all ranges, except CO2in Ar, which has an accuracy of &plu*n;8%. Example: for a 75% He in Ar mixture, the *ysis will be between 73.0% and 77.0% He.


40ºFto 100ºF (4ºC to 38ºC)




95% in 45 sec. for t*ical gas mixtures


Reference Gas: Commercial grade argon or nitrogen (depending upon the base gas range used) is required to flow continuously at 0.5 SCFH during *ysis.

Sample Gas: Moisture and oil free sample gas is required to flow continuously at 1.0 SCFH during *ysis.

Sample, reference gas pressure: 1-100 PSIG

Power: 115 VAC, 60Hz , 1 Amp (220 VAC, 50/60 Hz. Optional)


Calibration is recommended once a year when used under spot-checking conditions; if run continuously will depend on conditions and range.


8 minutes under room temperature conditions


Size: 9". high, 11". wide, 14". deep (23 cm X 28 cm X 35.5 cm),
Weight: 22 pounds (10 kg)


Sea level to 2000 ft. (Altitude above 2000 ft. will cause some inaccuracy; consult the factory)


Current: 4-20 mA, proportional to gas *ysis range selected (available on all ranges). The 4-20 mA resolution equals display resolution of 0.1% gas *ysis.





0-100% CO2in Ar

5% CO2in Ar
25% CO2in Ar

MIG shield gas

0-100% O2in Argon

5% O2in Ar

MIG shield gas

0-100% He in Ar

25% He in Ar

MIG, TIG shield gas

0-100% He in Ar

75% He in Ar

MIG Shield gas

0-100% H2in Ar

5% H2in Ar
35% H2in Ar

Pla*a Cutting, Welding

0-100% N2in Ar

10% N2in Ar

Lamp Filling

0-100% CO2in N2

30% CO2in N2

Food Packaging

0-100% O2in N2

5% O2in N2

Special Atmosphere

0-100% He in N2

10% He in N2

Leak Detection

0-100% H2in N2

10% H2in N2
75% H2in N2

Furnace Atmosphere


Each gas has the ability to conduct heat at a specific rate. This is known as the thermal conductivity of the gas. This property is utilized in the Thermco thermal conductivity detector. Heated metal filaments are exposed to the zero and sample gases. The amount of heat carried away by the gas changes the rate of cooling of the wire filament and therefore, its temperature change. This temperature change causes a resistance change. Since the filaments are arranged in a Wheatstone bridge, the resistance change can be converted to an electrical current that is read out on a meter.

Traditionally, a drawback to using the thermal conductivity method has been the non-linear signal created from virtually all-binary gas mixtures. The user had to refer to a curve in order correct for the non-linearity. The model 6900 is a significant improvement in the technology of handling the signal from the thermal conductivity detector. The unique curves generated by the 9 binary gas pairs are each programmed at the factory into the microprocessor in the Model 6900. The user selects the range of interest from the front panel of the *yzer is able to read out directly in the percent gas *ysis for that particular gas mixture.

The calibration stability of the model 6900 *yzer is exceptional, especially compared to the infrared t*e or chemical cell t*e gas *yzers which may require recalibrations on a daily basis. It is recommended that the calibration be checked once per year, if used on a spot checking basis.


The user may encounter a gas mixture pair other than the nine standard ranges built into the *yzer. In this case, the user may perform an *ysis by inputting his own calibration data into the *yzer. This can be accomplished by utilizing the push buttons on the front meter. Guidance is available from the factory concerning the thermal conductivity response of a wide variety of gas pairs.


Although the Model 6900 is not normally intended to measure a 3-part mixture, mixtures of Ar / CO2/ O2may be approximately measured if the user knows the oxygen level in the mix. Contact Thermco for details.


Thermco has been providing service for their *yzers since 1951. The Thermco repair department can normally complete repairs in two weeks.


The Model 6900 is not intended to measure oxygen/nitrogen mixtures for breathing air, oxygen purity, or other medical applications.

The Model 6900 is not designed to be used with toxic gases or gases corrosive to br* or nylon.


Along with the *yzer are supplied two 10 ft. lengths of tubing to run from the ports on the Model 6900 to cylinder regulators.


Orders may be placed through many local industrial gas suppliers. Orders may also be placed directly with the Thermco factory.

In the interest of continued product improvement, Thermco reserves the right to change design features without prior notice.

Sale of this equipment is under the terms of the Thermco warranty available on request.