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RI*TSCHOTEN盘式制动器应用:钢铁厂 造纸机 电缆和电线生产 纺织机械 塑料制造业和橡胶生产 起重机 电梯和自动扶梯 船舶推进 风力涡轮机 输送机

The Deutsche van Rietschoten & Houwens GmbH was founded in 1961. Since 1964 it is acting as a distributor for TWIFLEX LTD., UK. Nowadays – after 45 years – we can supply braking systems for nearly all applications where brakes are needed. A * modular system allows to adopt the brake system *ly to the requirements. A highly qualified team of engineers and technicians will *ist you in selecting the brakes and solve your problems. Send us the filled- out questionnaire, and we will choose the * braking system for your project.

The calliper t*e disc brakes for use in industrial application had been developed to meet the requirements of relatively *all brakes. Due to the compact design, the unit needs only very little axial space. The brakes are strong, have a very fast response time and show no servo-effects which make them ideal for braking in both rotating directions. There is no limitation of the maximum disc diameter. The modular system allows an adaption to nearly all applications by combining the various basic callipers with the appropriate thrusters. The shown disc brakes are only a fraction of the whole product range. On request we will send a detailed catalogue. Please send us the technical datas of your application, and we will carry out the brake selection.


