It is a special equipment for washing magnetic materials according to the production characteristics of magnetic materials trade,combining with the advantages of domestic and foreign washing trades,It has the following characteristics.
The equipment structure is compact and resonable.It can be joined with grinder,it is also used separay.Its apperance is beautiful.The worktable and the bakirb_m1_gc6dng channel are both made of high-quality stainless steel.Its tran*ission is *ooth and reliable.The tran*ission belt is made of the stainiess steel mesh belt with special technics.Its using life is long.It can be minded and its spead can be adjusted (converter govemor).
The uitrasonic washing adopts upper and lower radiant technology,adding ultrasonic power and ultrasonic filed length to make washing result more remarkable.Baking adopts cycling hot-wind.The temperature of the baking channel can be auto controlled to save energy.Washing and backing can be finished once to reduce production process.The workpieces can be wrapped directly.