★ *的无限电阻技术,减小负载效应,降低温升,根除了附加功率损耗,*了效率;
Special unlimited resistor to reduce load effect, lower temperature, enhance efficiency;
★ 全中文液晶显示,实时反映稳压器的运行参数,led(发光二*管)实时指示稳压器的运行状态及故障类型,通过五个薄膜
Chinese operation menu ,lcd display, real-time monitoring equipment running parameter,led indicate running
Status and error t*e , setting the running parameters easily through the five keys. Super monitor system can
Record more than 256 exceptionalevents and their happened time, convenient to review and *yze the data;
★ 主控*部件均为美德等国原装*,使产品的运行稳定性和*性进一步提出高;
The utility of the power components of america and german enhances the reliability of the device;
★ 控制系统电源采用*隔离宽范围稳压供电,即便在恶劣电网环境下,稳压器*工作自如;
The power system of control circuit is the isolated and broad scope input dc
Supply, so the equipment work well even if under terrible environment;
★ 智能化自动旁路功能:当稳压器某相补偿回路故障时,输入电压在*范围内,故障相自动转换为旁
Smart auto b** function : when one compensate loop phase of the device is error and the
Input voltage is normal, the error phase will be b**ed to protect the power uninterrupted.
Simultaneously the warning signal will be send.
★ 手动直通功能:当稳压器需要检修时,可手动切换到"直通"运行状态,*用电设备供电的连续性;
Manual p*-through function: when needed repaired ,the device can be manual p*through
For not cutting the power supply;
★ 错相保护功能:在供电电源相序不正确情况下:a.切断输出进行错相保护,同时发出告警信号,输入电压正常后能*自动
Error phase order protect function: when the phase order of input is not right ,there are two mode of operation re-
Garding different t*e device. A: the equipment will cut the output and send the warning signal, if the input restore
To be normal, the system will delay before it work well. ( a t*e) ;b: the system will auto transfer to right
Phase order ou-tput.(b t*e)lacking phase protect function: when the input voltage lacks
One phase or two phases, the normal phase will continue to output and the error phase will
Not output until the input restores to be normal, simultaneously send warning signal.
★ 缺相保护功能:在供电电源缺一相或两相时,未缺相部分继续稳压输出,同时发出告警信号,并且在电网正常后具有自恢复
The application of the devices is mainly in the field of single phase load. If the device is a
T*e or b t*e equipment, the system will s* all outputs;
★ 过压、欠压保护功能:当供电电源电压严重偏离稳压范围时,切断输出并发出告警信号;其过压、欠压参数值可设定,
Under-voltage and over-voltage protect function: when the input voltage is seriously notin
The scope of regulator ,the system will cut all output and send warning signal, restore to ou
Tput until the input is normal; the parameter of uv(und-ervoltage) and ov(over- voltage ) can be set;
★ 用电负载过流及短路保护功能:当用电设备发生严重过载或短路时*切断输出,同时发出告警信号,过电流参数可设定;
Over current and short-circuit protect function: when the load seriously surp* the syst-
em volume, the device will s* all output and send warning signal. The parameter of over
current can be set.
★ 多达6组的"常开-常闭"切换无源干接点供用户选用,实时反映稳压器工作状态及故障类型;RS232/485通信管理系
Six group interfaces of no sourcefor user to connect it to their system to monitor the device throughnning status;
RS232/485 interface: advantage to communicate with the host computer and tran*it the realtime parameter of
running between the device and host ;;
★ 电涌*护功能:稳压器内安装一组限压型通流量为20kva的电涌保护模块,能够*吸收来至电网内部电涌造成的瞬态
Surge of voltage protect function: the system has a protection module of voltage surge (20KVA) to sorb the tran-
sientover-voltage effectively;
★ 温控风机冷却;前开门维护、拆分工设计、多种进线方式、使安装、维护更简单.
Fan cool by temperature control: front door open and components connection and all kinds inline methods to make
maintenance and installation easy;