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品牌:林立 型号:IGBT

概述 (Introduction)
1、 恒功率输出、熔炼速度快:,可控硅中频电源采用调压调功,而IGBT电源采用调频调功,它不受炉料多少和炉衬薄厚的影响,*保持恒功率输出,尤其是生产不锈钢、铜、铝等不导磁物质时,更显示它的*性,熔化速度快,元素烧损少
2、 *:因逆变部分采用IGBT半桥逆变,逆变电压高,*2800伏,逆变电流比同容量KGPS电源电流小了近4倍,固线路损耗小,比普通可控硅电源设备*10%;
3、 无高次谐波干扰:高次谐波主要来自整流部分调压时可控硅产生的毛刺电压,它会严重污染电网,导致其他电器设备无*常工作。而IGBT中频电源采用三相全波不控整流、无相序、*导通角,直流电压*工作在*大。不产生高次谐波,不污染电网。 4、 启动*高,因采用串联逆变技术,所以启动容易,可以实现100%启动。
5、 功率因数高,功率因数*大于0.95,无功损耗小
IGBT Medium Frequency Power Supply
The IGBT power supply is a new t*e power semiconductor device and controlled by IGBT(insulated gate bipolar transistor, manufactured by Siemens, Germany). It’s modular t*e series resonant power supply which used in induction heating equipment and it can replace the KGPS SCR MF power supply.
1. Constant output power and fast melting speed are the main feature of IGBT power supply. Besides, not same as SCR power supply adjusts voltage to adjust power, IGBT power supply will adjust frequency to adjust power. And * be affected by the material quantity in furnace and thickness of lining, the power is outputted constantly all the time. Especially in melting the poor magnetic conductivity material such as stainless steel, copper and aluminum, the IGBT power supply is superior with the characters of fast melting and less part burned.
2. Power saving: As the inversion is IGBT half-bridge inversion, with higher inversion voltage of 2800V, the inversion current is less than KGPS power supply for 4 times. So the power consumption of IGBT power supply is less power consumption than normal SCR power supply for 10%.
3. No high degree harmonic effect to grid. The 3 phase full wave rectification, no frequency order and no conduction angle need to be adjusted are adopted in IGBT power supply, the DC voltage is working at the max value all the time.
4. The frequently start is successful 100% by the reason of series inversion technology is applied.
5. High power factor which is more than 0.95 and less reactive loss.



