CBB80 聚丙烯膜补偿电容

地区:广东 东莞



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品牌:国产 型号:12UF250V 介质材料:*薄膜 应用范围:补偿 外形:圆柱形 功率特性:*率 频率特性:高频 调节方式:固定 引线类型:同向引出线 允许偏差:&plu*n;5(%) 耐压值:400(V) 标称容量:2-50(uF) 损耗:0.002Max at 100Hz,25℃ 额定电压:250(V) *缘电阻:3000(mΩ)


The dry A.c capacitors are provided with overtemperature prote ction device and dischargingresistance inside.It has characteristic of low loss,low temperature rise,high insulation and big capacitance,It can be used for power factor correction.The flame fetardation,tempe-rature resistant engineering plastic or rustproof aluminum is selected as container material.Fluores cent lamps,efficient metal-halogenide lamps for reducing starting and running current,so as to save electric energy.