供应*静电黑色PEEK棒 *静电*PEEK板

地区:广东 东莞



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材质 A 每件重量 1(Kg)
长度 1000(m) *大幅宽 1000(m)
厚度 1-120(mm) 用途 工业
外观 平整 产商 德国

Material A weight per piece 1 ( Kg )

The length of 1000 ( m ) the largest width of 1000 ( m )

The thickness of 1-120 ( mm ) uses industrial

Smooth appearance manufacturers in Germany

1 poly ether ether ketone - 1000 ( brown gray ): poly ether ether ketone - 1000 using pure poly ether ether ketone resin as raw material, in all of polyether ether ketone levels in the * toughness, shock resistance optimal. Polyether ether ketone - 1000 can use the most convenient disinfection disinfection ( steam, dry heat, ethanol and Y ray ), and the manufacture of poly ether ether ketone - 1000 of the composition of raw materials in line with the European Union and the United States FDA concerning food should be specific, these characteristics make suitable in the medical, pharmaceutical and food processing are very common application. 2 - HPV polyether ether ketone ( black ): Accession to the PTFE, graphite and carbon fiber results, so that the polyether ether ketone - HPV become bearing grade plastic. Its excellent friction performance ( low friction coefficient, wear resistance, high peak pressure limit ) the level of friction applications become ideal material. 3 - GF30 polyether ether ketone ( brown gray ): the material filled with 30% gl* fiber reinforced plastic, ratio of polyether ether ketone - 1000 has better rigidity and * resistance, and better size stability, structural parts manufacturing ideal. At high temperatures can be a long time under fixed load. Such as the use of poly ether ether ketone - GF30 as the sliding piece, should be carefully inspect its adaptability, because the gl* fiber with surface scratching. 4 - CA30 polyether ether ketone ( black ): the material to fill the 30% Carbon Fiber Reinforced PEEK, than GF30 has better mechanical properties ( modulus of elasticity, high mechanical strength and * ) and more wear-resistant, but with a carbon fibre reinforced plastic than unreinforced PEEK plastic with 3.5 times the thermal conductivity - more quickly from the bearing surface of the heat sink.


厚度 1-120(mm)

