合金钢材料,全密封焊接/内部灌胶密封,*油、*水、耐腐蚀,可适用于各种环境。 Alloy steel, hermetically welded/sealed by adhesive inside,oil-proof, waterproof and anti-corrosion,suitable for all kinds of environments. 单剪切梁结构,安装使用方便灵活。 Single shear beam, possible,easy installation, 适用于电子平台秤、料斗秤等各类电子称重设备。 suitable electronic platform scale, hopper scale and other electronic weighing devices. **爆型产品,可用于恶劣环境及危险性场合。 Safe and anti-explosive product, can be used in atrocious environment and hazardous areas.
特性Features: 量程Max. capacities:500Kg...25t 精度等级C3 Accuracy cl* C3 体积小外型美观Low profile and nice exterior
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