主要根据客户的要求,研制不同牌号、不同形状规格的带材、棒材、丝材、管材,加工成各种配件。公司拥有先进的生产设备,严格的生产工艺,完善的检测手段和ISO-9001质量保证体系认证。产品主要应用于各类航海航天仪器仪表,船舶液位指示仪,磁罗径,汽车仪表,石油测井仪,绣花机,纺织机械磁碗,阻尼电机,张力器,自动化仪表,信号发生器,防盗器,计数器,绣花机,助听器等磁钢。。。 并具有优良的机械加工性能、良好的耐腐蚀性以及较高的使用温度。
Our company mainly manufctures Fe-Cr-Co machinable permanent magnetic alloy with wide vriety of shapes and size such as strip ,wie and bar ,etc. Fe-Cr-Co machinable permanent magnetic alloy has good plasticity ,ductility and machinability.It can be produced into 0.05mm of strip and 0.1mm of wire.
Our Fe-Cr-Co machinable permanent magnetic alloy is being used in shiping instrument,aviation,automobile instrument, compass,Oil exploration,hydraulic gauge, signal produce system, security system,relay counter,computer-embroider machine,and hearing aid,ect.lt can be made into semi-hard magnetic alloy has good
corrosion-resistance.Simultaneity the alloy can be used at hight temperauter which can rech to 400℃ .
Our company has strong productivity and advanced technology.We can produce high quality permanent magnets with any shapes and sizes to meet our client's need.