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给我留言 |
Made In U.S.A. 美國製造 H-3震动转速表
These instruments are ideal for checking speeds of totally enclosed electrical equipment. Just hold the Tachometer against motor, turbine, pump, vacum cleaner, hair dryer or other similar equipment anywhere and read the speed.
These Tachometers are mounted in cases of cast aluminium alloy finished with black crackle enamel. Also available with bosses for permanent mounting.
Lowest possible speed is 600Rpm and the highest is 30,000Rpm.
H-3震动转速表是專門設計予量度一些*密封式的轉動型家庭電器. 在量度時, *把轉速錶緊貼在馬達, 引擎, 吸塵機或同類型之產品的外殼上 , 便可量出讀數 .
H-3震动转速表為裝設在一鋁合金內 , 堅固耐用.
H-3震动转速表轉數為 600轉 / 分, *高為 30,000轉 / 分 ; 視乎各型號的分別 .
NIST Traceable Certificate is optional.
可選購美國 NIST 國際認可証書.
T*e H-3 , With 2 Rows of 61 Reeds Each | |||
6355 |
1st Row 2nd Row |
1000-2500 2500-5000 5000-6000 |
25 50 100 |
6356 |
1st Row 2nd Row |
1500-3000 3000-4500 4500-7500 |
25 50 100 |
6360 |
1st Row 2nd Row |
3000-6000 6000-12000 |
50 100 |
6357 |
1st Row 2nd Row |
6000-12000 12000-24000 |
100 200 |
6358 |
1st Row 2nd Row |
7500-10000 1 17000-23000 23000-30500 |
100 200 200 250 |
6359 |
1st Row 2nd Row |
600-1200 1200-3000 3000-4000 4000-8000 |
25 50 50 100 |
尺吋 | |||
型 |
R.P.M |
尺吋 |
重量 |
1 行
1 行
2 行 |
Up to 5000
Over 5000
All Ranges |
5 12/16" x 1 11/16" x 3 9/16"
6 7/16" x 2 3/4" x 3 3/4"
6 7/16" x 2 3/4" x 3 3/4" |
1 磅, 6 安士.
2 磅, 4 安士.
2 磅, 8 安士 |