1 性能特点:
● 隔爆型*爆形式,能在煤矿易燃易爆场所*工作。
● 采用*度气体放电灯作光源,光效高、寿命长,平均使用寿命可达10000小时。
● 外壳采用*轻质合金材料,强度高,*冲击性能好。
● 优良的结构设计和*新的表面处理工艺,*水、*尘,*灯具在各种恶劣环境中*工作。
● 重量轻,体积小,安装简单方便,可采用座式、壁挂式、*顶式等多种安装方式。
2 使用方法:
① 根据工作现场的实际需要确定灯具及镇流器箱的安装位置和方式,再根据镇流器箱到127V电源接点的距离准备相应长度的Φ8~Φ14 mm三芯电缆线。
② 打开镇流器箱端盖,旋松镇流器箱电缆引入口的压紧螺母,将灯具电缆线、电源电缆线分别穿过压紧螺母引入到镇流器箱内部接线端子处,按箱内标识接好电缆,再旋紧电缆压紧螺母,盖上镇流器箱盖。
③ 将镇流器箱输入电缆线的另一端按*爆要求接通127V电源即可照明。
④ 旋松灯头支架底部的螺钉,可将灯头支架左右360°旋转调节照明方位;松开灯头支架侧面的螺钉,可上下调节灯头选择照明角度,再将螺钉拧紧固定。
⑤ 更换灯泡时,用合适的螺丝刀或其它工具*前盖侧面两个凸起部位的孔内旋下前盖,再旋下坏灯泡,将新灯泡旋在灯座上,再用上述办法将前盖旋紧。
3 注意事项:
① 安装及维护灯具时,*须先断开电源。
② 使用时,灯具表面有*的温升,属正常现象;透明件中心温度较高,不得触摸。
4 品质*:
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网 址:www.sh-zxfb.com
邮 编:200001
Shanghai zte flameproof equipment Co., LTD. Is China explosion-proof *ociation, standing director unit of new factory is located at Shanghai nanhui area, six LuXi industrial zone, fell in the deer park can produce more than 180 series, more than 1,000 explosion-proof electric appliance product specifications, is the biggest production scale is biggest, the highest, product sales, marketing network, complete and * the new trend leading explosion-proof electric appliance enterprise specialized explosion-proof.
Strong technical force, advanced equipment, * quality *urance department, corporate governance sound institutions established modern enterprise system, and has a comprehensive network information management. In 1998, the company in the domestic industry through ISO9001:1994 quality system authentication, the lead in 2001 edition ISO9001:2000 authentication, and through omni-directionally to provide customers with high-quality pre-sale, sale and after-sale service.
Company has won nearly 200 flame-proof certification qualification certificate and other related products, superior performance, the *-selling, are widely used in aerospace, military industry, petrochemical industry, coal, shipbuilding, brewing, medicine, textile, food industry etc, not only occupied nearly one-third of domestic market share, but also exported to America, Vietnam, Indonesia, Sudan, and other countries and regions.
China's accession to the WTO, the company face of global economic integration, seize the opportunities and meet the new challenge, the commitment to build the world famous explosion-proof. Company widely absorbs the domestic and foreign advanced technology, the introduction of explosion-proof international first-cl* manufacturing technology and equipment to a new generation of explosion-proof electric appliance development, manufacture.
Chairman: LiXiangWu