供应3.5寸触摸屏,单片机MCU/MPU接口支持HMI 模块

地区:广东 深圳



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  • 液晶屏适用品牌: 其它品牌
  • 液晶屏适用范围: 其它液晶屏
  • Standard LCD Module
    320 x RGB x 240 Dots
    3.5” 262K colors TFT display
    Wide temperature
    With white LED backlight
    With Touch Panel


    3.5”(diagonal), 320 x RGB x 240 dots, 262K colors, Tran*issive, TFT LCD module.
    • Viewing Direction: 12 o’clock.
    • Driving IC: SSD2119 or equivalent TFT controller/driver.
    • 18-bits data bus (parallel RGB interface/8080 parallel system interface).

    • With Touch Panel.
    • Logic voltage: 3.3V (t*.).


    Pin No. Symbol Description
    1-2 LED_K
    3-4 LED_A Power supply for LED backlight
    5 GND Power supply (system ground)
    6 XR
    7 YD
    8 XL
    9 YU
    Terminal of touch panel.
    10 GND Power supply (system ground)
    11-13 NC No connection
    14 R*ET System reset pin
    15 CS Chip select pin
    16 SPCLK Clock pin of serial interface
    17 SDA-SDI Data pin of serial interface
    18-19 NC No connection
    20-25 B[0-5] Blue data 6-bit/18bit bi-directional (D0-D5)
    26-27 NC No connection
    28-33 G[0-5] Green data 6-bit/18bit bi-directional (D6-D11)
    34-35 NC No connection
    36-41 R[0-5] Red data 6-bit/18bit bi-directional (D12-D17)
    42 HSYNC Line synchronization signal input
    43 VSYNC Frame /Ram synchronization signal input
    44 DCLK Dot clock signal
    45-46 AVDD Supply voltage for lcd driving
    47-48 VCC Supply voltage for logic
    49 DC Parallel Interface
    50 RD I80 system: Serves as a read signal and reads data at the low level.
    51 WR I80 system: Serves as a write signal and writes data at the rising edge.
    52 PS0
    53 PS1
    54 PS2
    55 PS3
    Interface selection pin
    56 WSYNC Ram Write Synchronization output
    57 NC No connection
    58 OE Display enable pin from controller
    59-60 GND Power supply (system ground)


  • 型号/规格


