特性描述 Description: Ⅰ:*水等级IP65 Waterproof level IP65 Ⅱ:在-40℃~ 70℃ 环境下稳定工作 Reliable operation -40℃~ 70℃ Ⅲ:可加配智能装置,根据时段调整输出功率 With intelligent devices can be added, according to time adjust the output power Ⅳ:可根据客户要求通过CE、EMC认证 CE、EMC according to customer demands Ⅴ:外形尺寸 Size:181*88*38mm Ⅵ:安装间距 Install space:195mm 品质*:本公司郑重*,*常规的*水电源、太阳能路灯电源、LED路灯电源均质保三年,铁壳电源、电源适配器均质保两年,在质保期内,本公司的电源有任何质量问题我公司均免费维修或更换。 售后保障:*本公司的产品收到投诉后24个小时内给客户做出书面的处理结果。过质保期的产品,本公司可给予免费维修,来回运费由客户负责。 运费说明:在本公司采购的货款在5000元以上或订单数量在500PCS以上者*.(广东省内发快递,外省均走物流) 批发说明:样品可以混批,批量订单在1000PCS以上者返回2PCS的样品费和运费。订单数量多少都可以混批。本司常规产品均有现货。 公司介绍:深圳市海纳信科技有限公司成立于2006年,位于中国南部美丽的海滨城市——深圳,是从事电源适配器、充电器、工业电源、LED*水开关电源研发与生产的*厂家。经过多年的快速发展,海纳信科技已成长为集产品研发、制造、销售及服务于一体的高新技术企业。目前,公司共有员工200多名,电源的年产销量达300多万台,用户**,并远销到欧洲、美洲、澳洲、东南亚等多个*和地区,“hnx海纳信”已成为市场的知名品牌。 公司获得了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系标准认证,产品取得了 CE、UL、KC、GS、CUL、EMC、SAA、IP67、IP68、RoHS等多项认证。从技术研究、结构设计到试制、验证、品质测试以及选料、试产、量产等均有一系列严谨的标准管控程序,以*每一件产品的质量。 海纳信人秉承“以客为尊,以质为本”的企业宗旨,坚持“平等、诚信、合作、发展”的经营原则,为您提供品质优良、技术*的产品以及满意的服务! Located in Shenzhen, a beautiful town on the south coast of China, Shenzhen Hainaxin Technology Co. Ltd. was incorporated in 2006, specializing in adapter, changer, switching power supply and waterproof LED driver development and manufactur-ing. After a fast growth for more than six years, the company has be-come a hightech enterprise with the functions of R&D, manufactur-ing, sales and services and a high qualified workforce of 200 de-voted employees. Its annual turnover is more than 3 million units and a global distribution network has been in operation which covers Europe, North and South America,Australia and East Asia. “HNX” is becoming a very popular brand name in the market. The company has been awarded and certified with ISO9001, 2008, CE, UL,KC, GS, CUL, EMC, SAA, IP67, IP68, RoHS. From know-how research and development, structure design and validation, material selection, quality testing to trial and batch production, the product of the company undergoes a series of standard and rigorous control procedures in order to *ure the quality for every piece. The core value of our company is “customer focused and quality oriented” and our business motto is“To win your heart”. We are ready to provide you with our most advanced and state-of-the art products and * service。 | ||
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