TOCOS代理商 电位器 TOCOS TP12,TP126G

地区:广东 深圳



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TP12 series

Potentiometers for Consumer料号Combination examples. Various combinations are available to your applications.

■单单位/: Long life(100,000圈数) :类型PRPQ123-5L

■单单位,with Rotary SW类型; PRP124S65

■单位,, with Rotary SW类型: RZ126G00B

■双单位,双轴, with Rotary SW类型: RZ126D00B

■单单位,with Push-ON/Self-Return SW类型: TP120N00YT

■双单位,类型: TP126G00

■双单位,, with Push-Lock mechani*类型: TP126G00Z T

riple单位,, with Rotary SW类型: TP124V00N

Quad单位,类型: TP126W00

■单单位,双轴类型: TL124A00

■双单位,双轴, with Self-Return SW类型: TP124A00Y

■双单位,双轴类型: TP126D00

Triple单位,双轴, with Rotary SW类型: P124F11N

Quad单位,双轴类型: TP126H00

Quad单位,双轴, with Rotary SW类型: TP124H00N

Fifth单位,双轴, with Rotary SW/Pull cluch类型: TP124J00N

Fifth单位,双轴, with Rotary/Push-ON SW/Pull cluch类型: TP124J00NT

Fifth单位,双轴, with Rotary SW/Push cluch类型: TP124K00P

Fifth单位,双轴, with Push-ON/Self return SW类型: TP125Z71YT

Seventh单位,双轴, with Rotary SW/Push cluch类型: TP125Y00P

Seventh单位,双轴, with Rotary SW//Push & Pull cluch类型: TP125U00N

Seventh单位,双轴, with Rotary SW/Push-ON SW/Push & Pull cluch类型: TP125U00NT