品牌:Nuvoton | 型号:ISD18B12 | 封装:DIE |
批号:10+ | 制作工艺:半导体集成 | 导电类型:双*型 |
工作温度:-40~85(℃) | 类型:单片机 |
Nuvoton’s ISD18B12 ChipCorder is a new single-chip single-message record and playback device with a special TryMe feature. The user-selectable duration is from 6 to 12 seconds, with wide operating voltage ranging from 2.4V to 5.5V. Its sampling frequency, ranging from 4kHz to 8kHz, is externally controlled via resistor at Rosc pin. This device also includes microphone amplifier, anti-aliasing filter, multilevel storage array, *oothing filter and speaker amplifier. Two external resistors are used to adjust the microphone amplifier gain for the incoming signal. Thus, a minimum record/playback subsystem can be configured with a microphone, a speaker, several p*ive components, two push buttons, and a power source.
1 承接各类单片开发(义隆、HT、新唐、松翰、凌阳等等);
2 数字电路(TTL):74HC,74LS,74H*,74LVC,74AH*系列;
3 模拟电路(CMOS):4000,4500系列;线性电路:LM,NE,LT,TL系列;
4 光电耦合器:4N,MOC,TLP,TIL系列;
5 功放IC、录间IC、摄像头IC(OV品牌);
6 石英晶振, 振荡器, 温补, 压控, 钟振, 陶瓷滤波, 表晶等系列;
7 三端稳压电路:78,79,78L,79L系列;
8 单片机及储存器PIC,24C,93C系列;
9 场效应管,三*管,肖特基,可控硅,快恢复二*管,IGBT 稳压IC.
10 *接收头,发射管,贴片LED发光管及提供电子配套。