■通用规格 Common Specification
适用型号 Applicable Models: RC09N系列
电器性能 Electrical characteristics
全阻*值Total resistance:500Ω~1MΩ
全阻*值允许偏差Total rsesistance tolerance:&plu*n;20%(R≥1MΩ:&plu*n;30%)
残留阻*Residual resistance: Less than 20Ω
阻*变化特性Resistance taper:A,B,C,D
额定功率Rated power:0.1W
*高使用电压Max operating voltage : 50V AC / 20V DC
*缘阻*Insulation resistance :More than 100MΩ at 250V DC
耐电压With stand voltage :For 1 minute or more at 250V DC
动杂音Rototional noise: Less than 100mV (at 20V DC)
同步误差(*用于双联)Gang error(for dual unit):————
开关接触电阻Switch contact resistance:————
开关额定功率Switch rated power: ————
机械性能 Mechanical characteristics
全回转角度Total resestance :280°&plu*n; 5°
回转力矩Total resistance tolerance:10~100 gf.cm
软定位通过力矩Click slip-out forc: 30~300 gf.cm
回转止挡强度Reted power:2 kgf.cm min
轴的拉、押强度Pull-push strength: 4 kgf max
轴的摇动量Shaft wobble:0.8×L/20 mmp-pmax (L=轴柄长度)
开关旋转角度Switch rotational angle:------------
开关操作力Switch action: ----------------
焊锡耐热性Resistance to soldering heat:Less than 260&plu*n;5℃ and quicker than 3 seconds
耐久性能 回转寿命Rotation life:10,000 cycles