优质贴片电容0402 104PF/50V Z档

地区:广东 东莞



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品牌/商标 国* YAGEO 型号/规格 PF/50V Z档
介质材料 陶瓷(瓷介) 应用范围 高压
外形 长方形 功率特性 小功率
频率特性 低频 调节方式 固定
引线类型 无引线 允许偏差 &plu*n;20(%)
耐压值 25(V) 标称容量 104
额定电压 50(V)

1. 产品尺寸精高,自动贴片机*装配;
2. 端电*为三层电*,适合波峰焊和回流焊;
3. 介电体与外表为同种材料,环境条件影响小,高*缘电阻,高*性;
4. 含有从 COG 到 Y5V 各种温度特性介质,适用于通讯、计算机、家用电器和仪器仪表等普通电子设备。
5. HQ产品与常规C0G相比,高频C0G具有更高Q值以及低*R,适用于射频RF电路及要求Hi-Q、低*R、高频率响应的微波电路
1. Stringent dimensional tolerance allow highly reliable,high speed automatic chip mounting on PCBS;
2. Terminal are plated with ni and solder,suited to flow and reflow soldering.
3. High insulation resistance and high reliability;
4. These capacitors have temperature characteristics ranging form COG to Y5V, applied to general electronic
equipment,instrument panel and household electrical appliances.
5. HQ Product Comparing with general C0G capacitor, HQ C0G capacitor take on higher Q-value and lower *R, are ideally suited for RF
and microwave application requiring high Q, low *R, and high resonant frequency.