Features and Benefits产品特性及优点: 产品特点 产品优点 |
Diode and cable connection contained in removable cover 接线盒内已内置二*管及电源线连接器 | Facilitates easy access in the event of repair or replacement 方便维修及更换 |
Each junction box includes 2 factory-*embled DC output cables with multi-contact, 4-style connectors 每个接线盒携带已组装好的2条DC输出线(带多个接头,共4种型号的连接器规格) | Meets stringent quality standards; simplifies ordering and *embly processes 品质优异,方便订购及安装 |
Low heat generation 散热性能好 | Acceptable temperature level for handling junction boxes in serviceable applications 适用于各种苛刻温度条件下的应用 |
Industry-accepted conductors 使用国际工业标准型号的电缆 | Fewer mechanical parts and less risk of potential failure 通用性好,方便维护 |
Locking mechani* 带锁扣装置 | Helps align * and bottom housings and prevent accidental exposure of high-voltage contacts 接线盒上下盖子配合牢固,能*意外发生,*性能好 |
Spring-loaded terminals for connection to PV panel 带弹簧型接线端子,用于同电池板连接 | Less bulk resistance. Suitable for automated soldering processes. No clips needed for retention of ribbon conductors 减少掉线的风险,适合自运化焊接作业,无需额外部件来保持导线牢固 |
Optional Solder-Charge SMT terminations 可选适合SMT焊接作业的连接器 | High-speed *embly; ensures consistent quality on every *embly 适合*组装,*品质稳定 |
Spring-clip cable clamp terminal 带弹簧型接线端子 | Ensures cable is securely attached under high cable-pull-out forces *电缆连接*牢固 |
Detachable cables 带单独分开使用的电缆线 | Cables do not interfere in high-speed *embly and can be added after attachment to the Photovoltaic (PV) panel 不影响接线盒快速安装,在接线盒安装在电池板后再接上电缆线 |
Membrane vent 带排气孔 | Helps to equalize pressure within the box due to temperature changes 有利于在温度变化时保持接线盒内部压力平衡 |