Special features
• hollow shaft
• drill hole Ø 6 - 30 mm
• 10 x 106 movements
• excellent linearity
• very high resolution – better
than 0.1°
Novotechnik hollow-shaft
precision potentiometer angle
sensors are designed for easy
All values given for this series –
including linearity, lifetime, micro-
linearity, resistance to external
disturbances and temperature
coefficient in voltage dividing
mode – are quoted for the device
operating with the wiper voltage
driving an operational amplifier
working as a voltage follower
where virtually no load is applied
to the wiper (le ≤ 1 µA).
T*e Art. no. R in kΩ electr. angle in ° T*e Art. no. R in kΩ electr. angle in °
GL60 5K0 M150 044000 5 150 GL60 10K0 M354
GL100 5K0 M150 044002 5 150 GL100 10K0 M340
GL200 5K0 M150 044004 5 150 GL200 10K0 M340
GL300 20K0 M340
GL60 5K0 M150,GL100 5K0 M150,GL200 5K0 M150 ,GL300 20K0