The Premium U* di*al streaming DTV modulator can play MPEG stream from hard disk and DVB-ASI/SMPTE-
310M input into on-air signal. The output can be industry standard 55~956MHz and 956~2150MHz selectable RF
signal. On board synthesizer can generate stable and accurate symbol clock and tuning frequency. The
transport stream can be supplied through U* interface and DVB-ASI/SMPTE-310M input.
• Transport stream from hard drive thru U* interface and DVB-ASI/SMPTE-310M input
• DVB-ASI, SMPTE-310M output for monitoring
• On board VHF/UHF/L-BAND RF output up-converter
• Programmable RF output level (0.1dB step)
• Superposition white noise over modulated signal and control the output C/N ratio
• SDK for Windows 2000/XP/7 and Linux
• CM*/DVB-T/DVB-H, ATSC 8V*, QAM, DVB-S/DVB-S2, T-D*, ISDB-T, DT*, ATSC-M/H modulation option