适用范围Application | | | ■1区、2区危险场所。 ■ⅡA、ⅡB、IIC类*性气体环境。 ◆Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. ◆Can be used in IIA、IIB、IIC group explosive atmosphere. | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c52010080520572963714776.jpg) | 型号含义Mode implication | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c62010080520572963714776.jpg) |
产品特点Featrues | ■本产品复合型结构,开关箱采用隔爆型结构,母线箱及出线 ◆ This product is of combined structure,switch box adopts The structrue 箱采用增安型结构. of flame-proof,busbar and outlet compartment are of safety increased t*e. ■铸铝合金外壳,内装高分析断小型断路器,具有过载短路保 ◆ MCB with high breaking capacity is mounted inside the diedcastedAI-alloy shell 护功能并可根据要求增加漏电保护等功能. Which has the function of protecting of electrical leakage is available as required. ■采用模块结构,各种回路可以自由选择组合. ◆ Moulded structure,free combination for each circuit. ■有*要求可*. ◆ Can be made specially to special requirement. ■钢管或电缆布线均可. ◆ Suitable for both steelpipe and cable wiring. ■*合GB3836-2000,IEC60079标准要求. ◆ Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request. | 主要技术参数 Main te chnical parameters | 额定电 主回路额 主回路总 支路额 管螺纹 Thread 电缆外径(mm) *护等级 型号 压(V) 定电流(A) 支路数 开关数(台) 电流(A) *爆标志 进线 出线 进线 出线 Protection T*e Rated Rated current Branch Switch No. Branch Ex-mark Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet voltage of main circuit number of main circuit current CBP51-4 4 1 CBP51-6 6 3 CBP51-8 380 63 8 5 CBP51-10 10 10 CBP51-12 ~ 12 15 G11/4" G1/2" Φ12 Φ8 IP55 CBP51-4K 4 20 Exde II *6 ~ ~ ~ ~ *IP65 CBP51-6K 6 25 G3" G1'/2" Φ56 Φ 26 CBP51-8K 220 250 8 1 40 CBP51-10K 10 50 CBP51-12K 12 60 |
外形及安装举例Outline and mounting example | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c72010080520572963714776.jpg) | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c82010080520572963714776.jpg) | CBP53-4 | CBP53-4K | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c92010080520572963714776.jpg) | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c102010080520572963714776.jpg) | CBP53-6 | CBP53-6K | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c112010080520572965214776.jpg) | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c122010080520572965214776.jpg) | CBP53-8 | CBP53-8K | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c132010080520572965214776.jpg) | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c142010080520572965214776.jpg) | CBP53-10 | CBP53-10K | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c152010080520572965214776.jpg) | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c162010080520572965214776.jpg) | CBP53-12 | CBP53-12K | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c172010080520572965214776.jpg) | 支路数 L A Branch number 4 回路 FOUR CIRCUITS 920 390 6 , 8 回路 Six eight circuits 1055 640 10 , 12 回路 Ten,twelve circuits 1430 890
| CBP53-8K(IIC) | | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c182010080520572965214776.jpg) | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c192010080520572965214776.jpg) | CBP53-6 | CBP53-4 | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c202010080520572965214776.jpg) | ![](https://www.dzsc.com/uploadfile/company/332265/c212010080520572965214776.jpg) | CBP53-6K | CBP53-4K |