型 号: | RJ-A1000 |
Item No.: RJ-A1000 | |
中文名称: | 电源转换器(1000W) |
English name:Power inverters(1000W) | |
功能特点: | 宇捷电源转换器是一种可将车辆﹑船只上的蓄电池12V直流电转换为与市电相同的220V交流电,供一般电器使用,是一种便于携带的新型高科技产品,现在*正在普及使用。本产品在其标识功能范围内适用于笔记本电脑、打印机、传真机、DV、DVD、电视机、风扇、加湿机、空气清新机、照明、电动工具、仪器、工矿救援等户外作业。 |
Specifications: Ruclen power inverters have effect to change the DC 12V into AC 220V by cigar lighter or accumulator cell, the new carry-home high-tech product is a kind of practical tools in modern life.They could be applied to: Lap*, Printer, Electrograph, DV, DVD, TV set, Fan, Humidifier, Air purify, mining rescue of outdoor operation etc. |
产品详细特性 |
1.通用插座,*种不同的插头。 Products description: 1.Suitable for a variety styles of plugs. 2.Special and portable plugs can be much safer. 3.Fashion and unique designs. 4.Subject to the products introductions when you got the products. |
产品详细参数 |