品牌/商标 | 国产 | 型号/规格 | CBB81 capacitor |
介质材料 | 法拉(*) | 应用范围 | 高压 |
外形 | 圆片形 | 功率特性 | 大功率 |
频率特性 | *频 | 调节方式 | 固定 |
引线类型 | 轴向引出线 | 允许偏差 | &plu*n;10(%) |
耐压值 | 100(V) | 等效串联电阻(*R) | 7(mΩ) |
标称容量 | 7(uF) | 损耗 | 7 |
额定电压 | 7(V) | *缘电阻 | 7(mΩ) |
温度系数 | 7 |
Our company mainly produces t*e CL21 series metallized polyester film capacitor, CL11 polyester film capacitor, CL21X - B metallized polyester film *-mini story CBB21 calibration capacitor, series of metallized pol*ropylene film capacitor, CBB13 metal foil t*e pol*ropylene film capacitor, X2 series inhibit anti-interference safety capacitor, CL20 / CBB20 metallized polyester film series and metallized pol*ropylene film capacitor, axial
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