
地区:广东 深圳



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型号:1181,1194,1245 基材:铜箔 厚度:0.066(mm) 宽度:584(mm) 颜色:铜 长期耐温性:耐热(℃) 适用范围:电子变压器 品牌:3M 短期耐温性:耐热(℃) 胶系:导电胶 延伸系数:/


3M1181 Tape

Copper Foil with Conductive Adhesive Data Sheet

Product Description

3M 1181 Tape consists of a 1-ouncedeadsoft copper foil backing and a uniqueelectrically conductive pressure-sensitiveacrylic adhesive.

• Deadsoft 1-ounce copper foil backing

• Conductive acrylic adhesive

• Supplied on a removable liner for easyhandling and diecuttingLike all 3M shielding tapes, 3M 1181 isavailable in standard and custom widths andlengths. Standard length is 18 yards.

• Widths from 1/4” to 23”

• Longer lengths up to several times normallength, dependent upon width. Check withCustomer Service.


3M 1181Tape is t*ically used forapplications requiring excellent electricalconductivity from the application substratethrough the adhesive to the foil backing.Common uses include grounding and EMIshielding in equipment, components, shieldedrooms, etc. The copper foil backing issolderable and resists oxidation anddiscoloration.Shielding EffectivenessMany factors determine the true shieldingeffectiveness of a shielding tape, includingt*e and thickness of foil, adhesive t*e,intimacy of contact, *oothness ofapplication surface, strength and frequency ofthe EMI signal, etc. However, using standardtests and fixtures, it is possible to determine avalue for the attenuation. For 3M 1181 Tape, t*ical shieldingeffectiveness (far field) is in the range of 60dBto 80dB (30 MHz to 1 GHz).……

3M1194 Tape

Copper Foil with Nonconductive AdhesiveData Sheet

Product Description3M 1194 Tape consists of a 1-ounce deadsoftcopper foil backing and an aggressivenonconductive pressure-sensitive acrylicadhesive.

• Deadsoft 1-ounce copper foil backing

• Nonconductive acrylic adhesive

• Supplied on a removable liner for easyhandling and diecuttingLike all 3M shielding tapes, 3M 1194 isavailable in standard and custom widths andlengths. Standard length for 3M 1194 is 36yards.

• Widths from 1/4” to 23”

• Longer lengths up to several times normallength, dependent upon width. Check withCustomer Service.Applications3M 1194 Tape is t*ically used forapplications requiring economical electricalbonding, grounding, and EMI shielding. Thecopper foil backing is solderable and resistsoxidation and discoloration.Shielding EffectivenessMany factors determine the true shieldingeffectiveness of a shielding tape, includingt*e and thickness of foil, adhesive t*e,intimacy of contact, *oothness of applicationsurface, strength and frequency of the EMIsignal, etc. However, using standard tests andfixtures, it is possible to determine a value forthe attenuation.For 3M 1194 Tape, t*ical shieldingeffectiveness (far field) is in the range of 50dBto 60dB (30 MHz to 1 GHz).
