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品牌:HWA 型号:MF72/MF11/10D-5/5D-7/8D-7/33D-7/5D-9/8D-9/10D-9/22D-9/33D-9/5D-11/8D-11/10D-11 种类:热敏 性能:通用 材料:合成 温度系数:NTC 营销方式:* 产品性质:*

欧蓝达电子的NTC热敏电阻器系由*配置的金属氧化物陶瓷材料制成,它可用来抑制高的突波电流。相对于受保护电路,热敏电阻器具有较高的电阻。因此会抑制突波电流约1~2秒,在这一段时间内热敏电阻的电阻将因温度升高而下降,直至热敏电阻两端压降到可被忽略的电阻值为止。如图A以电源供应器为例, 在电源开的*,电容器一般阻**低,桥式整流器通常承受很大的电流,热敏电阻器*使用于保护电源供应器。
olanda electronic NTC Thermistor devices are made of a specially formulated metal oxide ceramic material which is capable of suppressing high inrush current surges.
Thermistor devices, being of relatively high resistance, shall limit the inrush current for 1~2 seconds during which time the device decreased in resistance substantially to a point where its voltage drop is negligible .The devices are especially useful in power supplies (see Fig A) because of the extremely low impedance of the capacitor being charged, of which the bridge is ususlly subjected to an exceedingly high current surge at turnon point.
●High inrush current restriction effect
●Small power loss in stationary state
●(Normally less than 50W power)
●High thermal and electrical stability.
●Wide selection of electrical performances
As shown in Fig.B, the current surge can be eliminated by placing a NTC thermistor in series with a filament string. Yet, if the resistance of one NTC thermistor does not provide sufficient inrush current limiting functions for your applicantion, 2 or more may be used in series or in separate legs of the supply circuit (Fig.A). Be noticed, the thermistor can not be used in parallel since one unit will tend to conduct nearly all the current available. Thus, thermistor may be used in the AC (point A1or A2)or the DC (point D1or D2) locations in the circuit. (see Fig.A)
The resistance of NTC thermistor is designed higher than the total resistance of NIC thermistor is designed higher than the total resistance of filaments when thermistor shall immediately self-heat. Then, in 1~2 seconds, its resistance will be reduced to a minimum and become insignificant to the total resistance of a circuit. With the same concept, current surges in electric motors can be held to minimum. Fig.C shows a t*ical DC motor's turn on surge before and after the application of a thermistor to the circuit
R≥ 式中E为线路电压 l m为浪涌电流
UPS电源l m=100倍工作电流
对于灯丝、加热器等回路l m=30倍工作电流
1.Maximum operating current >Actual operating current in the power loop
2.Reted zero power resistance at 25℃

of which, E: loop voltage, lm: Surge current.
For conversion power, reversion power, switch power,
UPS power, lm=100 times. operating current
For filament, heater, lm=30 times operating current
当NTCR热敏电阻在小电流下工作时(如图F),由于功率太底,其电阻保持固定而表现线性关系(*合欧姆定律V/R=1)。如果电流增加,NTC热敏电阻就会产生焦耳效应(P =V×1)而使自己发热,其电阻值随即减小表现「电流增加,电压下降」的状态。
When operating low current (see fig.F), due to very low power is unable to make the NTC thermistor self-heated, so its resistance value is thus maintained constant and displayed with a linear curve (in conformity with ohm-law V/R=1).If the current is increased, the NTC thermistor will follow Joule-efficiency(P= V×1) and make itself self-heated that results in a resistace value decreasing and thus displays with a status of voltage descending while current increased.

-HdT=δ(T-T0)dt 其中-HdT=元件热损失
积分后可得温度与时间关系式T-T1= (T0-T1)×e-t/t
As shown in fig.G which explains the time needed to reach thermal equilibrium of NTC components with the enviroment. This characteristic depends on two important parameters. If a step change in temperature is applied to a component e.g. form high (T1) to low (T0) temperature, the energy lost (δ(T0-T1)dt) by the component (-HdT) is equal to the energy dissipated by it.
This equation yields: T-T1= (T0-T1)×e-t/t